diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Nina Martinčič (Avtor), Igor Areh (Mentor)


Posttravmatska stresna motnja je duševna bolezen. Pojavi se, ko je posameznik žrtev hudega travmatskega dogodka, ki pretrese njegovo telo in duha. Telo se na tak šok odzove na več načinov. Nekateri travmo prebolijo sami od sebe in jih ne zaznamuje. Vse je odvisno od stopnje resnosti travme oziroma, če je bil posameznik žrtev ali samo priča dogodka. Ni pomembno, kaj se je zgodilo in komu, pri vsakomur se lahko razvije ta sindrom. Nekateri so že po naravi bolj nagnjeni k duševnim obolenjem, zato so te osebe še toliko bolj dovzetne za take posledice. Pri tem je pomembno, da oseba to travmo preboli. Nekateri hočejo vse zadržati in preboleti sami. Napaka. Tak način razmišljanja in obnašanja še bolj obremeni telo in duševnost, simptomi pa se še poslabšajo. Možnosti posledic travmatičnega dogodka se je treba zavedati in jih čim prej pozdraviti. V preteklosti so bile duševne bolezni tabu, ljudje so se jih sramovali. Danes je to nekaj povsem normalnega, saj obstaja veliko načinov zdravljenja. Pomaga že samo to, da ima oseba nekoga, s katerim lahko deli svojo izkušnjo. Ne sme se zapirati vase in oddaljiti od okolice ter vsakdanjega življenja. Vsakemu posamezniku posebej odgovarja določen način zdravljenja, zato mora poiskati sebi primernega. Danes so metode tako dobro raziskane, da je to iskanje najmanjša težava. Zdravljenje s terapijo se kaže kot zelo učinkovito. Obstaja več terapevtskih metod, vse vključujejo terapevta in njegovega pacienta, ki skupaj spoznavata simptome in posledice travme, in jih skupaj odstranita. Nekatere terapije so hitrejše in bolj agresivne, nekatere dolgotrajne. Hitrost in intenzivnost učinka terapije je odvisna od posameznika in njegove želje po ozdravitvi. Na drugi strani je na voljo tudi zdravljenje z zdravili. Danes je za vsako bolezen na voljo zdravilo. Zdravil za posttravmatsko stresno motnjo je več, tudi njihovo delovanje je odvisno od posameznika. Nekatera zdravila imajo lahko stranske učinke in ne delujejo, druga pozdravijo hitro in učinkovito. Pacient se s terapevtom ali zdravnikom posvetuje in skupaj določita ustrezno zdravljenje, pri čemer mora biti pacient pripravljen na ponovno soočanje s travmo in se dovolj truditi za uspešno ozdravitev. Uživanje drog in alkohola ustavi postopek zdravljenja in poslabša simptome travme, zato mora imeti vsak posameznik okoli sebe dovolj dober podporni sistem. Ljudje okoli njega mu morajo biti v podporo, pomoč, biti razumevajoči in pripravljeni na vse, saj sta soočanje s travmo in zdravljenje dolgotrajna in utrujajoča procesa, ki ju nihče ne more prebroditi sam.

Ključne besede

spolne zlorabe;žrtve;posttravmatski sindrom;pomoč žrtvam;psihoterapija;diplomske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FVV - Fakulteta za varnostne vede
Založnik: N. Martinčič]
UDK: 159.96+615.851:343.988(043.2)
COBISS: 3240682 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1395
Št. prenosov: 173
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Post Traumatic syndrome of victims of sexual abuse
Sekundarni povzetek: Posttraumatic stress disorder is a mental illness. It occurs when an individual is a victim of a severe traumatising event that stresses their body and soul. The body reacts in many ways after such a shock. Some people get over the trauma by themselves, and it does not mark them. Everything depends on the severity of trauma and if an individual was the victim or the witness of such an event. It does not matter what happened and to whom, anyone can experience this syndrome. Some people are naturally more prone to mental illness, and they are even more susceptible to these kinds of consequences. The most important thing is that the individual gets over the trauma. Some want to keep it all inside and get over it by themselves. This is a mistake. Such thinking and behaviour only burden the body and psyche more, and the symptoms get worse. The consequences are to be acknowledged and healed as soon as possible. Mental illness was a taboo in the past, people were ashamed of it. Nowadays, it is quite accepted in the public and considered normal, and there are many types of treatments. First, it already helps if the person has someone by their side to share the experience with them. They cannot hide and move away from their surroundings. Each individual responds specifically to a certain way of treatment, therefore, they must find a suitable one. Today we have so many well-researched methods, that finding a suitable one is the smallest problem. Treatment with therapy proves to be very effective. There are several therapeutic methods, all involving a therapist and his patient, and together they begin to realise the symptoms and consequences of trauma, consequently removing them. Some therapies are faster and more aggressive, others are long-term. It all depends on the individual and their desire to get better, how quickly and efficiently they work. On the other side we have medical treatment. For every disease there is a medication today. The effects of medication for post-traumatic stress disorder also depend on the individual. Some medications have side effects, some patients heal quickly and effectively. The patients consult with their therapists or doctors, and together they choose the best treatment option. The patient has to be ready to face the trauma again, and work hard enough to get better. Alcohol and substance abuse stop the healing process and make trauma symptoms worse, that is why each person needs a good supporting system around themselves. They need a good supporting system of people who need to be supportive, helpful, understanding and ready for everything, because dealing with trauma and getting over it is a long and exhausting process, and no person can deal with it themselves.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Post traumatic stress disorder;sexual abuse;treatment;therapy;medication;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Strani: 37 str.
ID: 9225158
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
, Založba VBZ, Ljubljana 2015, 202 strani, 25.90 EUR (ISBN 978-961-6468-81-7)
, diplomsko delo