magistrsko delo
Nejc Drnovšek (Avtor), Tone Ravnikar (Mentor)


V delu je obravnavano politično delovanje Ruske pravoslavne cerkve v obdobju od vpada Mongolov in njihovega zavojevanja večjega dela ruskih kneževin do padca Konstantinopla. Tematika je razdeljena na več poglavij, v katerih se z različnih vidikov preučujeta vloga in vpliv Cerkve v obravnavanem obdobju. V prvem poglavju so predstavljeni in analizirani dokumenti, imenovani "jarliki", ki so jih predstavniki duhovščine prejemali od mongolskih vladarjev za potrjevanje njihovega političnega položaja. V njih so opredeljeni privilegiji in dolžnosti Cerkve, kar je ključnega pomena pri razumevanja njenih političnih dejanj in dejanj posameznih metropolitov v tem obdobju. V nadaljevanju je vloga Cerkve razložena na dva načina: z vidika institucije in z vidika dejanj posameznih, najpomembnejših cerkvenih predstavnikov, predvsem metropolitov. Prvi vidik je pomemben, saj je v okvirih obravnavanega časovnega obdobja imela Cerkev že sama po sebi poseben prestiž in vlogo, ker je številne privilegije ohranila iz časov, ko še ni bilo stikov z Mongoli na tem ozemlju. Mongoli so imeli univerzalno pozitiven odnos do Cerkve in vere nasploh, kar se odraža v verski strpnosti znotraj imperija. Z drugega vidika so predvsem pomembni odnosi med metropoliti in glavami treh večjih političnih sil, to je s konstantinopelskim patriarhom, kanom Zlate horde in z velikim knezom najpomembnejše ruske kneževine. Posebna pozornost je namenjena tudi zgodovinopiscem, ki so zaradi političnega in ideološkega ozadja ter številnih nejasnosti v zvezi z obravnavano tematiko vlogo Cerkve obravnavali na najrazličnejše načine. Izpostaviti velja dve večji zgodovinopisni smeri, in sicer predrevolucijsko zgodovinopisje, ki je razlagalo delovanje metropolitov in Cerkve v pozitivni luči, in sovjetsko zgodovinopisje, ki je tematiko skušalo umestiti v okvire marksistične razredne teorije.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;Ruska pravoslavna cerkev;metropoliti;Zlata horda;veliki knezi;bizantinska cerkev;jarliki;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Drnovšek]
UDK: 930:271.2(470)"12/14"(043.2)
COBISS: 23384328 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 857
Št. prenosov: 110
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The Political Influence and Role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Period Between Batu Khan`s Invasion and the Fall of Constantinople (1237-1453)
Sekundarni povzetek: The paper analyses political influence of the Russian Orthodox Church in the period between the Mongol invasion and their subsequent conquest of most of the Russian principalities and the fall of Constantinople. The topic is divided into several chapters, which examine the role and influence of the Church from different perspectives in the respective period. In the first chapter, documents, called "yarlyks", which representatives of the clergy received from the Mongolian rulers for the confirmation of their political status, are presented and analysed. They define privileges and obligations of the Church, which is essential in order to understand its political actions and actions of individual metropolitans in the respective period. In the following part of the paper, the role of the Church is explained from two different perspectives: in terms of institution and in terms of actions of the most important representatives of the Church, mainly the metropolitans. The first perspective is important because the Church on its own had a special prestige and role in the respective period, since numerous privileges had been preserved from the time when there had been no contacts with the Mongols in this territory. The Mongols also had a universally positive attitude towards the Church and religion in general, which is reflected in the religious tolerance within the empire. In the second perspective, the focus lies on relations between the metropolitans and the leaders of the three major political forces, i. e. with the Patriarch of Constantinople, the Khan of the Golden Horde and the grand prince of the most important Russian principality. Special attention is paid to historians, who used various approaches in their consideration of the role of the Church with the use of various approaches, namely as a result of political and ideological background, as well as due to the numerous ambiguities related to the subject matter in question. Two major schools of historiography can be emphasized, namely pre-revolutionary historiography, which interpreted actions of the metropolitans and the Church in a positive light, and Soviet historiography, which tried to explain the topic within the framework of Marxist class theory.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;Russian orthodox church;metropolitans;Golden horde;grand princes;Byzantine church;yarlyks;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Strani: 87 f.
ID: 9236930