diplomsko delo


V diplomskem delu predstavljamo rezultate raziskave o stališčih romskih učencev s posebnimi potrebami do šole in znanja kot vrednote ter njihovo mnenje o romskem in slovenskem jeziku v šoli. Zanimala nas je povezava med stališči do šole ter učnim uspehom in obiskom pouka. Raziskali smo, koliko učitelji poznajo stališča svojih romskih učencev. Raziskavo smo izvedli na Osnovni šoli Dragotina Ketteja v Novem mestu. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 34 učencev 5., 6., 7., 8. in 9. razreda, ki obiskujejo prilagojen izobraževalni program z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom: 14 učencev Romov (41,2 %) in 20 učencev ne-Romov (58,8 %). V raziskavo smo vključili tudi 16 učiteljev. Stališča učencev Romov do šole so pozitivna. Razlik med stališči romskih in ne-romskih učencev nismo zaznali. Romski učenci se na šoli dobro počutijo, radi hodijo v šolo in se v šoli zabavajo. Slaba tretjina se jih na šoli ne počuti dobro. Desetino učencev (Romov in ne-Romov) je na šoli strah. Romi se s sošolci se dobro razumejo, v šoli imajo prijatelje, radi se družijo s sošolci. Nimajo vtisa, da bi se sošolci grdo obnašali do njih. Vsi učenci imajo pozitivna stališča do znanja. Romi manj cenijo pomen znanja in izobrazbe za njihovo prihodnost, šolske ocene se jim zdijo manj pomembne. Najmanj pozitivna stališča izražajo do pouka in učne snovi. Snov se jim zdi težka bolj kot ne-romskim učencem. Ne zdi se jim, da bi imeli težave s spremljanjem pouka. Manjši delež romskih učencev zavrača sodelovanje pri pouku. Romski učenci imajo slabši učni uspeh kot ne-Romi, razlika ni statistično pomembna. Statistično značilne povezave med učnim uspehom in stališči do šole pri Romih ni. Romski učenci precej pogosteje izostajajo od pouka. Romi, ki bolj redno obiskujejo pouk, nimajo bolj pozitivnih stališč do šole kot tisti, ki veliko izostajajo. Pri učencih Romih smo ugotovili pozitivno korelacijo med učnim uspehom in obiskom pouka. Pri ne-Romih povezave ni. Mnenja učiteljev o stališčih romskih učencev do šole se razlikujejo od dejansko ugotovljenih stališč. Pri 24 trditvah (od 25) so ocene učiteljev nižje od izkazanih stališč učencev Romov. Razlike pri posameznih trditvah so zelo velike. Pri 72 % trditev je razlika statistično pomembna. Trditve, pri katerih so izkazana stališča Romov dosti bolj pozitivna od ocen učiteljev, se nanašajo na pomen znanja in izobrazbo, šolske ocene ter na počutje v šoli. Največja razlika je pri trditvi: »V šolo hodim, da bom lahko dobil službo.« Slaba polovica romskih učencev bi raje hodila v šolo, če bi pouk potekal v romščini, polovica temu nasprotuje. Večina romskih otrok bi obiskovala krožek romskega jezika, če bi imela možnost. Polovica romskih učencev navaja, da so ob vstopu v šolo dobro obvladali slovenščino. Slaba tretjina se je slovenščine naučila v šoli. Večina Romov meni, da zelo dobro obvladajo slovenski jezik. Večini se zdi slovenščina lahek jezik. Ocene učiteljev se močno razlikujejo od izkazanih stališč, mnenj in informacij romskih učencev o romskem in slovenskem jeziku.

Ključne besede

Romi;romski učenci;izobraževanje Romov;romski otroci s posebnimi potrebami;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [B. Klančičar]
UDK: 376(=214.58)(043.2)
COBISS: 11384905 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 932
Št. prenosov: 150
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Attitudes of Roma pupils with special needs towards school
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis presents the results of research on the attitudes of Roma pupils with special needs towards school and knowledge as a value, and it also presents their opinions about Romani and Slovenian language at school. We were interested in correlations between attitudes towards school, learning achievemant and school attendance. We investigated also how much teachers are aware of the attitudes of their Roma pupils. The survey was carried out in a special education programme with lower educational standards at Dragotin Kette primary school in Novo mesto. The sample consisted of 34 pupils attending classes of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade: 14 Roma pupils (41.2 %) and 20 nonRoma pupils (58.8 %). 16 teachers were also included in the study. The attitudes of Roma pupils towards school are positive. The difference between the attitudes of Roma and those of nonRoma pupils was not detected. Roma pupils feel good at school, they like to go to school and they have fun in school. However, about a third of them don't feel good at school. A tenth of the pupils (Roma and nonRoma) feel fear at school. Roma pupils have good relationships with their classmates, they have friends in school and they like socialising with classmates. They do not have the impression that their classmates illbehave towards them. All pupils have positive attitudes towards knowledge. Roma do not appreciate the importance of knowledge and education for their future much, school grades seem less important to them. The least positive attitudes they express towards teaching process and learning contents. They find learning contents more difficult than nonRoma pupils do. They don't feel that they have problems at following the lectures. A smaller proportion of Roma pupils in a class are not cooperative. The academic achievement of Roma pupils is lower than that of nonRoma, but the difference is not statistically significant. At Roma pupils there is no statistically significant correlation between school performance and their attitudes towards school. Roma pupils are frequently absent from school. Roma who attend school more regularly do not have more positive attitudes toward school than those who skip school more frequently. At Roma pupils we found a positive correlation between school performance and school attendance. In the case of nonRoma there is no correlation. Teachers' opinions about the attitudes of Roma pupils towards school differ from those attitudes that were actually detected. The research showed out that the assessments of teachers in 24 cases (of 25) is lower than the attitudes of Roma pupils. There are big differences in individual arguments. In 72% of claims the difference is statistically significant. In the claims referring to importance of knowledge and education, to school grades and to feeling good in school the attitudes of Roma pupils showed out as much more positive than the assessments of teachers. The biggest difference is seen in the claim: "If I go to school I can get a job." Little less than a half of Roma children would prefer going to school if the classes were conducted in Romani language, a half of them oppose this. Most Roma children would attend extracurricular Romani language lessons, if they were given the opportunity. A half of Roma pupils state that upon entering the school they spoke Slovene well. Almost a third of them learnt Slovenian language at school. Most Roma consider that they speak Slovenian language well. Most of them find Slovenian language easy. The assesments of teachers differ strongly from the reported attitudes, opinions and information of Roma pupils about Romani and Slovenian language.
Sekundarne ključne besede: special school;backward child;šola s prilagojenim programom;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Strani: X, 98 str., [9] f. pril.
ID: 9239215