diplomsko delo
Andreja Butolen (Avtor), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Posest, ki je urejena v Stvarnopravnem zakoniku, je neposredna dejanska oblast nad stvarjo in predstavlja zunanji videz pripadnosti stvari določeni osebi. Posest ima tudi tisti, ki izvršuje dejansko oblast nad stvarjo preko koga drugega. Kljub temu da ni pravica, daje posestniku pravovarstveno upravičenje. Posestnik lahko stvar rabi, jo uživa in z njo razpolaga; ni pomembno, ali ima tudi pravico stvar rabiti, uživati ter z njo razpolagati. Predmet posesti so lahko pravice, telesne stvari, tako premične kot nepremične. Diplomska naloga obravnava pravno ureditev posesti v slovenskem pravu, ki sem jo podkrepila s sodno prakso. Ob začetku sem pojasnila pojem same posesti in njene osnovne značilnosti. Za lažje razumevanje posesti sem se posvetila njenemu razvoju ter opredelitvi subjektivne in objektivne koncepcije. Nadalje sem opredelila vrste posesti, med katerimi sem omenila nov pojem lastniške in nelastniške posesti, ki spreminja definicijo dobrovernega posestnika in se razlikuje od ZTLR. Osredotočila sem se k opredelitvi civilnopravnega instituta, kamor spada vrsta določil o pridobitvi in prenehanju posesti ter oblike njenega varstva. Pri tem je potrebno opozoriti na razmerje med lastnikom in posestnikom, pri čemer zaradi različnih upravičenj prihaja do različnih posledic. Potrebno je bilo ugotoviti raznolikost temeljnih zahtevkov, ki izhajajo iz njunega medsebojnega razmerja. Posestnik ima vedno dejansko oblast nad stvarjo, istočasno pa ima navadno tudi pravico do stvari. Ta pravica je lahko lastninska, stvarna ali obligacijska. Posest je ena izmed temeljnih značilnosti lastninske pravice, ki kaže na določeno pripadnost stvari osebi, ki to dejansko oblast izvaja. Izvaja se lahko na različne načine, kar je odvisno od vrste stvari kot tudi objekta posesti.

Ključne besede

civilno pravo;posest;lastniška in nelastniška posest;priposestvovanje;sodno varstvo;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Maribor
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Butolen]
UDK: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4320299 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2888
Št. prenosov: 473
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Possession, as being regulated in the Law of Property Code, is a direct, actual control over a thing and represents the appearance of a thing belonging to a particular person. Possession is also held by a person who exercises the actual control over a thing through some other person. Although it is not a right, it gives the possessor the entitlement to legal protection. The possessor has the right to use, enjoy and dispose of a thing, and it does not matter whether he/she has the right to use, enjoy or dispose of this thing. The object of possession can be a right, physical thing, as well as a movable or real estate. The graduation thesis deals with the legislative property regulation in the Slovenian legal system which I also substantiated through case-law. At the beginning of my thesis, I explained the concept of the possession itself and its basic characteristics. For a better understanding of the possession, I paid attention to the development and definition of its subjective and objective conceptions. I then identified the possession types, among which I mentioned a new concept of ownership and non-ownership possession that changes the definition of the bona fide possessor and differs from the Basic Property Law Relations Act. Furthermore, I focused on the definition of a civil law institution that encompasses several provisions on the acquisition and termination of possession and forms of its protection. Herewith, the relationship between the owner and the possessor should be taken into consideration, since various entitlements within this relationship can lead to different consequences. It was necessary to determine the diversity of the main claims which arise from their mutual relationship. The possessor always has the actual control over a thing and normally the right to possession, as well. This right may be proprietary, real or obligational. The possession is one of the fundamental characteristics of the ownership right which indicates that a thing belongs to a person exercising the actual control. It can be implemented in several different ways, depending on the type of a thing as well as on the object of possession.
Sekundarne ključne besede: possession;bona fide and non bona fide possession;ownership and non-ownership possession;possessor;prescription;legal protection;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Strani: VI, 71 f.
Ključne besede (UDK): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 994474