diplomsko delo
Sabina Gaberc (Avtor), Jana Goriup (Mentor)


Predmet diplomskega dela je doživljanje smrti v družini s predšolskim otrokom, s posebnim poudarkom na doživljanju smrti predšolskega otroka v njegovi družini. Tema nas je zanimala tudi zato, ker sem v svoji preteklosti in sedaj v bližnji okolici zasledila zadržano obnašanje in ravnanje odraslih do predšolskih otrok ob doživljanju smrti v družini. Le-ti največkrat v odnosu do predšolskega otroka postanejo zadržani in tihi in o smrti sploh nočejo spregovoriti. Res pa je, da smrt ni nevsakdanja stvar. To je del našega življenja in z njo se vsak od nas kdaj sooči. Tudi v vrtcu se o tej temi sploh ne pogovarjajo, saj ocenjujejo, da to v vzgojno in izobraževalno delo vrtca ne spada. Prepričani pa smo, da imajo otroci pravico izvedeti čim več o smrti. Tudi starši se izogibajo tako pogovorom kot vprašanjem o tej družbeni tabu temi. Največkrat so prepričani, da so njihovi predšolski otroci premajhni za pogovore o smrti in da vsebin ne bodo razumeli. Še več, bojijo se, da jih bodo teme vznemirile in prestrašile. Sami pa ocenjujemo prav nasprotno. Pogosto se namreč zdi, da imajo odrasli večje težave, tako s pogovori kot s samim doživljanjem smrti, kot pa otroci. Otroci se lažje spopadajo z njo. Prav tako lažje doživljajo žalovanje, če jim seveda starši dovolijo žalovati na njihov način. Pri obravnavi zadanega problema diplomske naloge smo zaznali tudi pomembne razlike med žalovanjem odraslih in žalovanjem otrok. Spoznali smo namreč, da otroci niso tako ranljivi, kot jih včasih ocenjujemo odrasli, ampak so razumevajoča bitja, ki razumejo življenje in pojave v njem. Za potrebe emiričnega dela diplomske naloge smo opravili intervju s starši predšolskih otrok, s predšolskimi otroki in vzgojitelji, ki so se soočali s smrtjo. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili vlogo družine za predšolskega otroka ob primeru smrti s posebnim ozirom na doživljanju, razumevanju in soočanju s smrtjo. V empiričnem delu pa smo izvedli analizo dobljenih empiričnih rezultatov s komentarji. Preverili smo tudi zastavljene raziskovalne hipoteze.

Ključne besede

družina;doživljanje smrti;smrt kot tabu tema;izguba;vzroki smrti;žalovanje;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Gaberc]
UDK: 159.91:2-557:2-312.5-058.8:2-312.5-055.62(034.2)
COBISS: 22383112 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1600
Št. prenosov: 381
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: The subject of the thesis is the family of a preschool child and death, with special emphasis on experiencing death within a family with preschool children. We were also interested in the topic because I myself, in the past and today, in the vicinity, have noticed retained behaviour of adults when experiencing death within the family. These most often become reserved in their relation towards the child and remain quiet, do not wish to talk about death at all. It is however true, that death is an everyday phenomenon. It is part of our life and we are all faced with it eventually. This topic is also never discussed in kindergartens, because they assess, that this pedagogic and educational work does not belong in the kindergarten. We believe that children have the right to learn all about death. Parents tend to avoid conversations and questions connected to this socially prohibited topic as well. They are most often convinced that their preschool children are too small for conversations about death and that they will not understand the content. They are even afraid that these topics will agitate and scare them. We estimate just the opposite. It often seems that adults have greater problems with talking about and experiencing death than children do. Children deal with death easier. It is also easier for them to experience grief, of course if parents let them mourn in their own way. In studying the topic of the thesis, we also noticed an important difference between the mourning of adults and the mourning of children. We recognised that children are not as vulnerable as we adults often perceive them to be, they are understanding beings, who understand life and the phenomena connected with it. For the purposes of the empirical part of the thesis, we conducted an interview with parents of preschool children, with children and with preschool teachers, which have been in contact with death. In the theoretical part, we presented the role of the family for the preschool child, with special consideration of the experiencing, understanding and coping with death. In the empirical part, we performed an analysis of the obtained empirical results with comments; we also checked the set research hypotheses.
Sekundarne ključne besede: family;experiencing death;death as a prohibited topic;loss;causes of death;mourning;theses;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Strani: 50 f.
ID: 9144400
Priporočena dela: