diplomska naloga
Vesna Remih (Author), Peter Krajnc (Mentor), Črtomir Stropnik (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo pripravili porozni poliHIPE iz monomerov VBC in DVB z različnimi stopnjami osnovnega zamreženja (2 in 5%). Obe predhodni emulziji sta vsebovali 10 % organske faze ter 90 % vodne faze. Naknadno smo poliHIPE-e zamrežili z Friedel-Craftsovo reakcijo, ki smo jo časovno omejili na 18 h, 1 h ter 0,5 h in tako dobili poliHIPE z različnimi specifičnimi površinami. Hiperzamreženim produktom smo določili specifične površine z adsorbcijo dušika po BET metodi, te so se povečale glede na začetne. Ugotovili smo, da je čas reakcije hiperzamreženja zelo pomemben faktor, saj rakcija poteka zelo hitro. Vzpostavijo se nove manjše pore, kar je vzrok velikega povečanja specifične površine. Določili smo tudi količino klora v vzorcih s potenciometrično titracijo pred in po naknadnem zamreženju in ugotovili upad klora glede na začetne poliHIPE-e. Takšen upad smo pričakovali, saj se pri naknadnem zamreženju klorometilne skupine pretvorijo v metilenske mostove in dodatno povežejo polimer, zato se specifična površina poveča, vsebnost klora pa zmanjša. Osnovna vzorca smo funkcionalizirali pri različnih temperaturah, 60°C in 90 °C, in različnih razmerjih osnovih poliHIPE-ov ter 1,8-diaminooktana, 1 : 1 ter 1 : 0,5. Funkcionaliziranim vzorcem smo določili specifično površno z adsorbcijo dušika po BET metodi, kjer smo ugotovili da se specifična površina vsem funkcionaliziranim vzorcem poveča, vendar je razlika majhna. Vse vzorce smo okarakterizirali s FITR spektroskopijo, kjer smo potrdili kemijsko sestavo poliHIPE-ov. Spremljali smo signale različnih funkcionalnih skupin. Za nas najpomembnejši signal je signal vezi C – Cl pri 1265 cm , ki ga sledimo pred hiperzamreženjem in ves čas hiperzamreženja, vendar se signal z višanjem časa reakcije hiperamreženja manjša, kar nam kaže, da se manjša količina klorometilnih skupin. Tudi funkcionalizirane poliHIPE-e smo okarakterizirali s FITR spektroskopijo in elementno analizo, ki je potrdila uspešnost funkcionalizacije.


polimerizacija;emulzija;funkcionalizacija;poli(4-vinilbenzil klorid);


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [V. Remih]
UDC: 678.744(043.2)
COBISS: 16021270 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2136
Downloads: 192
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of amino functionalisation on the structure of poly (4-vinilybenzily chloride)
Secondary abstract: In this work porous poliHIPEs from monomers (4-vinilybenzily chloride) were prepared with 2 % and 5 % of crosslinker divinylbenzene by polymerisation of emulsion. By Friedel-Crafts reaction we performed hypercrosslinking of polyHIPEs, where we limited times of reaction to 18 hours or 0,5 hour, respectively. In this case we got difference of specific surface of polyHIPEs. Hypercrosslinked polyHIPEs we characterised regarding specific surface by nitrogen adsorption (the BET method), and it was found that the specific surface increases. We found that the time of reaction of hypercrosslinking is an important factor, because the process of reaction is very fast, and determinated the percentage of chlorine before and after the hypercrosslinking and found that chlorine decreases. During the reaction of hypercrosslinking the chloromethyl bridges turned into methylene bridges and create additional pores, that is why the specific surface of polyHIPEs is increased and the consistance of chlorine is lower. Starting polyHIPEs were functionalised with differents temperatures, 60°C and 90 °C, respectively andwith differents proportions of polyHIPEs and 1,8-diaminoocktane, 1 : 1 and 1 : 0,5. Functionalised polyHIPEs were measured with regards to specific surface with the BET metod, where the specific surface increase we found. With infrared spectroscopy we determinated the chemical structure of all polyHIPEs. Most important signal is C – Cl on 1265 cm , we found it before and after hypercrosslinking, but the signal with the time of the reaction of hypercrosslinkig, decresed. We could see that the quantity of chlorine declined. Also on the functionalised polyHIPEs we infrared spectroscopy and elementary analysis were made, which confirmed the functionalisation.
Secondary keywords: polimerisation;functionalisation;poly(4-vinylbenzyl chloride);emulsion;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: IX, 42 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;various industries;trades and crafts;razne industrije;obrti in rokodelstva;industries based on macromolecular materials;rubber industry;plastics industry;industrija makromolekulskih snovi;industrija kavčuka;industrija umetnih snovi;synthetic polymerization products;polymerizates;synthetic rubbers;sintetični polimerizacijski produkti;polimerizati;sintetični kavčuk;
ID: 1004665