diplomsko delo
Maja Šiftar (Author), Etelka Korpič-Horvat (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava problem mobbinga na delovnem mestu in vsebuje poleg uvoda še devet poglavij. V drugem poglavju je pojasnjen izvor besede mobbing in njen pomen ter omenjena oseba, ki je mobbing prenesla v delovno okolje. Slovenija je od leta 2004 polnopravna članica Evropske unije in posledica tega je, da pravna ureditev mobbinga v Sloveniji upošteva akte, ki se nanašajo na mednarodne akte, ki določajo diskriminacijo zaposlenih v zvezi z mobbingom. Tako so v nadaljevanju navedeni in opisani vsi mednarodni akti in akti nacionalne zakonodaje. Omenjene pa so tudi aktivnosti za zaščito pred mobbingom v Evropski uniji. V petem poglavju so opisane oblike in vrste, razvojne stopnje in vzroki za pojav mobbinga ter posledice in preventivni ukrepi. Glede na šesto poglavje lahko ugotovimo, da je problem mobbinga vedno bolj pomemben. Predstavljena je razširjenost mobbinga na delovnem mestu v Sloveniji in v Evropi. Iz raziskav lahko ugotovimo, da je v Sloveniji več mobbinga na delovnem mestu, kot ga je v povprečju v Evropski uniji. V poglavju Sodna praksa s področja mobbinga so predstavljeni primeri sodbe Vrhovnega sodišča, sodb Višjega delovnega in socialnega sodišča in sodba Sodišča EU. V osmem poglavju je predstavljena pravna ureditev mobbinga na Cipru in v Grčiji ter primerjava s Slovenijo. Zadnji, deveti del diplomskega dela predstavlja rezultate ankete, ki sem jo izvedla v podjetju x.


delovno pravo;mobbing;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Murska Sobota
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Šiftar]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4048171 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4606
Downloads: 827
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Workplace mobbing
Secondary abstract: This thesis deals with a problem of workplace mobbing and has nine chapters. The second chapter deals with the origin of the word mobbing and her meaning and further tells us who brought mobbing to work environment. From 2004 Slovenia is a full member in the European Union and as a consequence of this the legal regulation concerning mobbing observes acts that refer to international acts that determine discrimination of employees concerning mobbing. Further this thesis includes all international acts and national legislation acts. The work also examines activities for protection against mobbing in the European Union. In chapter five different forms and types of mobbing, levels and reasons for mobbing phenomena, consequences and different measures of mobbing prevention are presented. In chapter six this thesis comes to a conclusion that the problem of mobbing becomes increasingly important. Further, this thesis investigates the number of workplace mobbing cases in Slovenia and in the European Union. From conducted research I concluded that there are more workplaces mobbing cases in Slovenia than in the European Union. Chapter legal application concerning mobbing deals with verdicts of Supreme Court, Higher Labor and Social Court and the Court of the EU. In chapter eight I presented the legal regulation concerning mobbing in Cyprus and in Greece and made comparisons with Slovenia. The last, ninth chapter of this thesis contains survey results that I conducted in company x.
Secondary keywords: Workplace mobbing;legal regulation;forms and types of mobbing;spread of mobbing;legal application;survey;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta
Pages: 65 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1011022