delo diplomskega seminarja
Mihaela Švajger (Author), Vesna Čančer (Mentor)


Glavni problem, ki smo ga izpostavili v diplomskem seminarju, se nanaša na izbiro najugodnejšega tiskanega medija za blagovno znamko, ki jo trži podjetje Herz d.d. Namen dela diplomskega seminarja je bil rešiti problem z uporabo večkriterijskih metod in računalniškim programom Web — HIPRE. V prvem delu diplomskega seminarja smo predstavili teoretične vidike oglaševanja, podrobneje tiskane medije in cilje oglaševanja. Na kratko smo predstavili podjetje Herz d.d., njihov namen in cilje oglaševanja ter predviden letni plan oglaševanja. Analizirali smo tiskane medije: Eges, Varčujemo z energijo, Moj dom, Instalater in Vaš Profit na podlagi strokovnosti revije, ciljne skupine ki jo dosegajo, izhajanja in naklada revije, področja kjer izhaja revija, ter cene oglasnega prostora A4 formata v reviji. Teoretično smo podali postopek metode za večkriterijsko odločanje in uporabili tehniko šestih vprašanj za ustvarjalno definiranje problema. V praktičnem delu diplomskega seminarja smo ocenili in presodili tiskane medije z računalniškim programom Web — HIPRE. Na podlagi merljivih kriterijev, ki smo jih analizirali v večkriteriski analizi tiskanih medijev, smo s pomočjo programa prišli do ugotovitev, kateri tiskani mediji so za podjetje Herz d.d. najprimernejši.


večkriterialno odločanje;metode;analiza;mediji;tisk;kriteriji;ciljne skupine;oglaševanje;podjetje;računalniški programi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Švajger]
UDC: 659.1:519.8
COBISS: 10350620 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2392
Downloads: 247
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂUse of multi-criteria methods in selecting print media
Secondary abstract: The main problem which was stressed in this work is related to the selection of the most favorable print media for the trademark marketed by Herz d.d. enterprise. The purpose of this work was to solve the problem by using multi-criteria methods and the Web - HIPRE computer program. In the first part of this work we introduced theoretical aspects of advertising; in detail, print media and advertising goals. We presented, in brief, the Herz d.d. enterprise, their purpose and goals of advertising and envisaged annual advertising plan. We analysed these print media: Eges, Varcujemo z energijo, Moj dom, Instalater and Vas Profit based on the magazine`s professionalism, gained target group, publishing and circulation, publishing area and the cost of an A4 size advertising space in the magazine. The process of the multi-criteria decision-making method was described in theory and the six-questions technique was used for a creative problem definition. In the practical part of this work we evaluated and assessed the print media with the Web - HIPRE computer program. Based on the measurable criteria, which were analysed by the multi-criteria analysis of print media, and with the help of the program we came to conclusions as to which of the print media is the most appropriate for the Herz d.d. enterprise.
Secondary keywords: multi-criteria decision-making;Web-HIPRE;AHP;problem structuring;attribute;SMART;SMARTER;SWING;criterion;sensitivity analysis;weighting;target group;print media;six-questions technique;advertising.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 42 str., 9 str. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;communication and transport industries;accountancy;business management;public relations;komunikacije in transport;knjigovodstvo;poslovni menedžment;stiki z javnostjo;publicity;information work;public relations;stiki z javnostjo;reklama;publicity;advertising;oglaševanje;mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;mathematics;matematika;operational research (or): mathematical theories and methods;operacijsko raziskovanje;
ID: 1011972
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