delo diplomskega seminarja


V poslovnem svetu, ki je zelo dinamična kategorija, se vsak dan srečujemo z vrsto tveganj in nevarnosti. Predvsem v današnjem času. Podjetja so pri svojem poslovanju podvržene številnim vrstam različnih tveganj. Zato podjetja dajejo vse večji pomen ugotavljanju in analiziranju, katere poslovne informacije vplivajo na njihovo izpostavljenost pred tveganji in na osnovi teh informacij prilagajajo njihovo poslovanje. Vendar podjetja v vseh primerih ne morejo vplivati na njihovo poslovanje in so posledično izpostavljena številnim nevarnostim. V diplomskem seminarju smo se osredotočili na podjetje TEŠ d.o.o. in njihovo izpostavljenost pred obrestnim tveganjem. Ker se je podjetje moralo zadolžiti na tujem finančnem trgu, so posledično postali tudi veliko bolj občutljivi na vrsto finančnih tveganj. Ker je podjetje v svojem finančnem planu ugotovilo da se bo moralo dodatno zadolžiti na tujem finančnem trgu smo se odločili preučiti, katere izvedene finančne instrumente s katerimi lahko zmanjšajo izpostavljenost pred obrestnem tveganju, imajo na voljo. S pomočjo pridobljenih podatkov, smo preučil kateri izvedeni finančni instrument je najbolj ekonomično smiseln za zavarovanje pred obrestnim tveganjem ob predpostavki, da bo temeljna tržna obrestna mera Euribor rastla: počasi, srednje hitro in hitro.


finance;poslovne finance;finančni trg;zadolženost;tveganje;izvedeni finančni instrumenti;obresti;obvladovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Part]
UDC: 336.781
COBISS: 10903324 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1674
Downloads: 168
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Hedging interest rate risk in Power plant Šoštanj Ltd.
Secondary abstract: In the business world, which is a very dynamic category, we come across numerous risks and danger. That happens especially in the present time. Enterprises are subject to numerous sorts of different risks in their economic operations. That is why the enterprises give a bigger meaning to fining out and analyzing which business information can influence on their risk exposure, and on the basis of this information they accommodate their economic operations. However, the enterprises cannot influence on their economic operations in every occasion. Consecutively, they are exposed to numerous risks. In diploma seminar we especially focused on the enterprise Power plants Šoštanj and its exposure to risks of interest. The enterprise had to get into debt on the foreign financial market. Consecutively, they became much more sensitive on numerous sorts of financial risks. The enterprise ascertained in its financial plan that they will have to get even more into debt on the foreign financial market. That is why we decided to research, which proficient financial instruments have they available for reducing their exposure on their risk of interest. With the data that we gained, we studied at the end which financial instrument is the most economically reasonable for the insurance before the risk of interest, with the supposition that the basic market rate of interest EURIBOR will increase: slowly, medium fast, fast.
Secondary keywords: interest rate risk;financial risk;derivatives;interest rate risk management.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 30 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;finance;finance;money;monetary system;banking;stock exchanges;denar;monetarni sistem;bančništvo;borzništvo;
ID: 1015843