magistrsko delo
Vita Zgoznik (Author), Andrej Rahten (Mentor)


Zadnje volitve v dunajski parlament so se zvrstile 13. junija 1911, kmalu nato je izbruhnila prva svetovna vojna, ki je omogočila zadnjim poslancem, da so svoja poslanska mesta zasedali kar sedem let. Magistrsko delo predstavlja podrobnejše biografije zadnjih petindvajsetih slovenskih poslancev, ki so se borili za narodne pravice na Dunaju. Začetno poglavje je namenjeno lažjemu razumevanju zgodovinskega dogajanja in sistema volitev, saj je bil čas tisti, ki je narekoval posameznikove odločitve, volilni sistem pa je bil za razliko današnjega povsem drugačen. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene biografije, v katerih so načeloma podani podatki z vidika drugih področij delovanja, ki so jih poslanci spretno udejanjali vzporedno s političnim udejstvovanjem. Mnogi med njimi so bili odvetniki, uredniki, novinarji, duhovniki, župani in celo pisatelji, drugi pa so vse svoje življenje posvetili politiki. Življenja poslancev so med seboj prepletena, saj so se na političnem področju medsebojno povezovali.


magistrska dela;slovenski poslanci;biografije;zadnje volitve;dunajski parlament;1911-1918;Avstro-Ogrska;Kraljevina SHS;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [V. Zgoznik]
UDC: 323.14(=163.6):328(436.1)"1911/1918"(043.2)
COBISS: 24074248 Link will open in a new window
Views: 724
Downloads: 124
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Structure of Slovenian Representation in the Viennese Parliament (1911–1918)
Secondary abstract: The last elections into the Vienna Parliament were held on June 13, 1911, shortly before the First World War began, which allowed the elected politicians to remain in their positions for seven years. The Master Thesis explores the detailed biographies of the last twenty-five Slovene members of parliament who fought for national rights in the Vienna Parliament. The first chapter explains the historical background and the electoral system of the early twentieth century, which was a complete opposite of the today's electoral system. The following chapters present other areas of activities the MPs participated in along with their political engagement. Many among them were lawyers, editors, journalists, priests, and even writers, while others dedicated their whole life to politics. Lives of the members of parliament were intertwined as they kept connecting in the field of politics.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Slovene memebers of parliament;biographies;last elections;Vienna parliament;1911-1918;Austro-Hungarian Empire;Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 129 f.
ID: 10837202