magistrsko delo
Sara Arko (Author), Zlatan Magajna (Mentor)


V prvem delu magistrske naloge obravnavam direktni pristop pri pouku matematike. Opišem korake, na katere moramo biti ob sestavi učne ure kot učitelji pozorni. Predstavim tudi pomembne elemente direktnega načina poučevanja, ki so posebej pomembni pri delu z učenci z učnimi težavami pri matematiki. Ti elementi so: direktna razlaga, zastavljanje vprašanj, vodena vaja ter povratna informacija. V nadaljevanju podrobneje predstavim raziskavi, ki sta ugotavljali učinkovitost direktnega pristopa v primerjavi z indirektnim pristopom. Kot ilustracijo teoretičnega dela prilagam primera komentiranih učnih priprav, ki temeljita na direktnem pristopu, ter primera komentiranih učnih priprav, ki temeljita na indirektnem pristopu. V empiričnem delu predstavljam raziskavo o priljubljenosti direktnega oziroma indirektnega načina poučevanja, ki sem jo izvedla med osnovnošolci. Zanimale so me razlike glede na celotno skupino vprašanih, glede na spol in glede na različno učno uspešnost učenca. Poleg priljubljenosti sem primerjala tudi učni učinek direktnega ter indirektnega pristopa. Posebej me je zanimalo, ali učno šibkejši učenci res izkažejo boljše rezultate v znanju, če so deležni direktnega pristopa, in slabše v primeru indirektnega pristopa. Ugotovila sem, da so tako učno uspešnejši kot učno šibkejši učenci, tako deklice kot dečki, nasploh raje deležni direktnega načina poučevanja. Prav tako so učno uspešnejši kot tudi učno šibkejši učenci dosegali boljše rezultate v znanju, ko so bili deležni direktnega načina poučevanja, in slabše v primeru indirektnega načina poučevanja.


indirektni pristop;direktna razlaga;samostojno raziskovanje;učna uspešnost učencev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Arko]
UDC: 373.3:51(043.2)
COBISS: 11574089 Link will open in a new window
Views: 649
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effectiveness of direct approach in teaching mathematics
Secondary abstract: In the first part of Master thesis I consider the direct approach in teaching mathematics. I describe the steps, which guide teachers in preparing their lessons. Also, some key elements of direct approach, particularly important when teaching students with learning problems in mathematics, are presented. These elements are: direct explanation, asking questions, guided exercises and feedback. In the next part I report of two studies which considered the effectivity of direct approach in comparison to indirect approach. To illustrate the theoretical part I present examples of commented lessons plans based on direct approach and examples of lessons plans based on indirect approach. In the empirical part of Master thesis I report the research, with which I explored whether these are differences in preferences of students toward indirect or direct style of teaching. I was interested, which teaching style the students in the observed population prefer and if the preferred style is related to academic achievements and gender. In addition, I explored the learning effect of each approach. In the conducted research I assessed whether students with lower academic achievements learn more if they are thought with direct approach then with indirect approach. I found that students in general prefer the direct approach regardless their academic achievements and gender. Further, more students with both higher and lower academic achievements perform better if direct approach is used, then in the case of indirect approach of teaching.
Secondary keywords: primary education;mathematics;direct method;osnovnošolski pouk;matematika;direktna metoda;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 94 str.
ID: 10842973