nenapisana pravica odraslih?
Maja Ščančar (Author), Jana Goriup (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo želeli raziskati prisotnost telesnega kaznovanja pri predšolskih otrocih in mnenja staršev glede tega. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali fizično nasilje, telesno kaznovanje, kaznovanje skozi zgodovino ter kaznovanje v postmoderni družbi. Predstavljeni so tudi pravni vidiki telesnega kaznovanja in posledice. Vključene so različne tuje raziskave. Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati, ki smo jih dobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Anketiranih je bilo 100 staršev predšolskih otrok, ki obiskujejo vrtec v Murski Soboti. Vprašanja v anketi so bila osredotočena na miselnost staršev o pravici do telesnega kaznovanja. Podatke smo zbrali s kvantitativno tehniko in obdelali z deskriptivno statistiko, predstavljeni pa so v tabelah in grafih. Uporabljena je bila kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda. Ugotovljena je bila prisotnost telesnega kaznovanja, vendar v primerjavi s preteklostjo v manjšem deležu. Starše smo povprašali, ali so bili v otroštvu telesno kaznovani in če se tega poslužujejo tudi pri svojih otrocih, kakšne kazni se najbolj poslužujejo in kdaj se jim zdi sprejemljivo telesno kaznovati svoje predšolske otroke. Vključeni in citirani so tudi komentarji anketiranih staršev.


diplomska dela;predšolski otroci;telesno kaznovanje;fizično kaznovanje;nasilje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Ščančar]
UDC: 343.62-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 23380232 Link will open in a new window
Views: 778
Downloads: 118
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Corporal punishment of children: an unwriten right of adults?
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the thesis was to research the presence of physical punishment of preschool children and the opinion of their parents regarding this issue. The theoretical part of the thesis describes physical violence, physical punishment, punishment through history and punishment in postmodernist society. It also introduces legal aspects of physical punishment and the consequences thereof. Furthermore, it includes various foreign researches. In the research the descriptive method was used. The empirical part shows results gathered with the help of a survey questionnaire. One hundred parents of children attending the kindergarten in Murska Sobota participated in the survey. The questions in the survey focused on the mentality of parents in relation to the right to physical punishment. Data were gathered by using quantitative technique, processed with descriptive statistics and displayed in charts and graphs. We used causal-non-experimental method. The results show the presence of physical punishment, however, to a smaller extent than in the past. We asked the parents whether they were physically punished during their childhood and if they use physical punishment with their children, which punishment they use mainly and when is it acceptable for them to physically punish their children. The thesis includes quoted comments of the parents.
Secondary keywords: theses;preschool children;physical punishment;violence;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 50 f.
ID: 10843744
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