magistrsko delo
Anja Praček (Author), Mojca Juriševič (Mentor), Karmen Pižorn (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava anksioznost šestošolcev pri pouku angleščine kot tujega jezika v povezavi z njihovo učno uspešnostjo pri pouku angleščine. Pouk angleščine se v marsičem razlikuje od drugih šolskih predmetov in prav ta posebna učna situacija lahko pri učencih izzove anksioznost. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu je s pomočjo literature na kratko predstavljena trenutna situacija poučevanja in učenja angleščine v slovenskih javnih šolah. Predstavljene so tudi izbrane individualne razlike med učenci, ki vplivajo na njihovo učenje in usvajanje tujega jezika. Predstavljena je splošna anksioznost, podrobneje pa anksioznost pri tujem jeziku, specifično pri pouku tujega jezika. Velik del uvoda je namenjen predvsem predstavitvi različnih strategij za zmanjševanje ali odpravljanje anksioznosti. V empiričnem delu sledi predstavitev rezultatov raziskave, ki je bila izvedena v maju 2016 na štirih izbranih šolah iz goriške in na eni iz osrednjeslovenske regije. Vanjo je bilo vključenih 187 učencev in učenk 6. razreda. Za preučevanje stopnje anksioznosti je bil uporabljen vprašalnik FLCAS (ang. foreign language classroom anxiety scale), ki je bil preveden za namene te raziskave. Ugotavljali smo stopnjo anksioznosti in s pomočjo dodatnih vprašanj tudi njeno povezanost z naslednjimi spremenljivkami – spolom, obdobjem začetka učenja angleščine, oceno pri angleščini v preteklem šolskem letu, pogostostjo branja angleških knjig, gledanja angleških filmov in risank, uporabo angleščine na potovanjih in pogostostjo poslušanja angleških pesmi. Raziskava je pokazala, da skoraj polovica učencev doživlja srednje močno ali zelo močno anksioznost pri pouku angleščine. Statistično pomembne razlike so se pokazale glede na spol in starostno obdobje, pri kateri so se učenci začeli učiti angleščino. Dekleta doživljajo višjo stopnjo anksioznosti kot fantje. Tisti, ki so se začeli učiti angleščino v 4. razredu, doživljajo višjo stopnjo anksioznosti kot tisti, ki so se jo začeli učiti že prej. Raziskava je pokazala, da nižjo stopnjo anksioznosti doživljajo tisti učenci, ki so pogosteje izpostavljeni angleščini, npr. preko gledanja angleških filmov in risank, preko branja angleških knjig in uporabe angleščine na potovanjih. Magistrsko delo predstavlja eno od redkih raziskav, ki ugotavljajo anksioznost pri učenju angleščine kot tujega jezika na razredni stopnji. Delo bo zato v pomoč učiteljem in staršem, ki se ukvarjajo z otroki, ki jih strah ovira pri učenju angleščine. V pomoč jim bodo smernice za lažje prepoznavanje teh otrok, poleg tega pa bodo s predlaganimi strategijami zmanjševanja anksioznosti lahko konkretno pomagali učencem pri učenju in izboljševanju odnosa do angleškega jezika.


anksioznost pri pouku tujega jezika;učna uspešnost;učenje angleščine kot tujega jezika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Praček]
UDC: 811.111:616.891.6(043.2)
COBISS: 11602249 Link will open in a new window
Views: 943
Downloads: 135
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Classroom anxiety of year 6 EFL primary school students in correlation with their learning achievements
Secondary abstract: The Master thesis examines classroom anxiety of the 6th Grade primary School students in relation to their learning achievements in English as a foreign language. In many a thing, the English class differs from other classes and it is precisely this unique learning situation that can provoke anxiety in students. The Master thesis consists of a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part reviews the literature available on the current state of teaching and learning English as a foreign language in the Slovenian public primary schools. In addition, some individual differences among students, which influence their skills to learn and master a foreign language, are discussed. A short presentation of general anxiety is followed by a detailed description of anxiety caused by a foreign language, specifically in foreign language classes. The focus of the theoretical part is on different strategies for reducing or eliminating anxiety. The empirical part first shows the results of the research study, conducted in May 2016 at four in advance selected schools from the region of Goriška and one from the Osrednjeslovenska region. The sample consisted of 187 6th Grade students. FLCAS questionnaire, which was translated and adapted for the purposes of this research study, was used to study the degree of anxiety. We were trying to establish the level of anxiety and determine with some additional questions its correlation to some specific variables, such as sex, the starting age of learning the English language, the final grade achieved in English in Grade 5, the frequency of reading English books, watching English movies and cartoons, the usage of English during travelling abroad and the frequency of listening to English songs. The results show that nearly half the students experience medium strong or very strong anxiety in English as a foreign language. Statistically significant differences were found in relation to students’ sex and the starting age of learning English. Girls experience a higher level of anxiety than boys. Those who began learning English in Grade 4 experience a higher level of anxiety than those who started learning it before the official age. The research also shows that a lower level of anxiety is experienced by students who are more often exposed to English, for example by watching English movies and cartoons, by reading English books and by using English while travelling. The master thesis represents one of the few research studies which determine anxiety in studying English as a foreign language at the primary level. This is why this thesis could support teachers and parents who are dealing with children, hindered by the fear of learning English. The guidelines that are elaborated here will make it easier to identify these children. Furthermore, the suggested strategies for reducing anxiety will be a tool for helping these students with their studies and improving their attitude toward the English language.
Secondary keywords: English language;anxiety;angleščina;anksioznost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino
Pages: 75 str.
ID: 10846944