diplomski projekt
Aja Helena Zorman (Author), Zlatko Nedelko (Mentor)


Najenostavnejša opredelitev vodenja opredeljuje vodenje kot sposobnost vplivati na ljudi za doseganje organizacijskih ciljev. Gre za kompleksno in zapleteno zadevo, ki je tudi ena izmed štirih funkcij menedžmenta. Vodenje je umetnost vplivanja na druge, da naredijo nekaj, za kar smo prepričani da mora biti narejeno. Umetnost zato, ker vodja potrebuje določene sposobnosti, z umetnostjo pa se ne more ukvarjati prav vsak. Pripraviti ljudi, da si želijo dosegati cilje, ki si si jih zadal, pomeni povezati te cilje z njihovimi potrebami. Uspešen vodja je tisti, ki je aktiven in ustvarja pozitivno delovno okolje, v katerem zaposleni dobivajo priložnosti in spodbude za visoke dosežke in svoj razvoj. Uspeh je odvisen tudi od dobre komunikacije in stila vodenja. Brez uspešne komunikacije se lahko zelo malo doseže. Pomembno vlogo v poslovnih procesih ima tudi motivacija, saj brez te, podjetje ne bo delovalo tako kot bi si želelo. Izbira stila vodenja, je torej ključnega pomena za nadaljne procese komuniciranja, motiviranja in zagotavljanja uspehov podjetja. Komuniciranje je izmenjava informacij med pošiljateljem in prejemnikom. Poteka preko komunikacijskih kanalov in je uspešno le v primeru, ko prejemnik sporočilo prejme v celoti, ga razume in poda povratno informacijo pošiljatelju. V podjetju je komunikacija ključnega pomena za uspešnost. Vodja mora napotke, informacije, ukaze in želje prenesti svojim podrejenim tako, da bodo le-ti sporočilo razumeli in se nanj primerno odzvali. Seveda pa ni pomembno le to, da vodja dobro poda svoje ukaze, znati mora tudi prisluhniti nasvetom in mnenjem podrejenih, da lahko izboljša njihovo motiviranost, samo delo in posledično pripomore podjetju doseči zastavljene cilje. Izraz motivacija bi lahko definirali kot proces izzivanja človekove aktivnosti in usmerjanje le te na določene predmete, da bi dosegli nek določen cilj, zadovoljitev potrebe. Zadovoljitev ene potrebe običajno privede do nove potrebe, kar pomeni da se proces motiviranja nenehno ponavlja. V procesu motiviranja zaposlenih v podjetju ima veliko vlogo prav vodja. Dobrega vodjo pa odlikuje njegova vplivna moč na zaposlene in sposobnost to moč tudi uporabiti. Ključ do njihovega uspeha je njihova potreba po doseganju rezultatov in njihova želja stvari bolje narediti. Zato se mora vodja za vodenje in odločanje ustrezno izobraževati in usposabljati. Njegova vpliv in pozitivnost lahko bistveno pripomoreta k temu, da je izvajanje idej in udejanjanje le-teh v praksi zaželeno in cenjeno. Vodja mora čutiti, razumeti in tudi verjeti v svoje ključno poslanstvo, ki je spodbujanje svojih zaposlenih.


vodenje;stili vodenja;motivacija;komuniciranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. H. Zorman]
UDC: 005.32
COBISS: 12854300 Link will open in a new window
Views: 730
Downloads: 108
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂinfluence of leadership style on communication and motivation
Secondary abstract: The simplest definition of leadership defines leadership as the ability to influence people to achieve organizational goals. It is a complex and complicated matter, which is also one of the four functions of management. Leadership is the art of influencing others to do something that we are sure must be done. Art because the leader needs certain abilities, but not everyone can do art. Getting people to want to achieve the goals you set out means connecting these goals to their needs. A successful leader is one who is active and creates a positive working environment in which employees get opportunities and incentives for high achievements and their development. Success depends on good communication and leadership style. Without successful communication, very little can be achieved. An important role in business processes has also motivation, because without it, the company will not work the way you want it. Choosing a leadership style is therefore crucial for further processes of communication, motivation and the success of the company. Communication is the exchange of information between the sender and the recipient. It runs through communication channels and is successful only when the recipient receives the message in its entirety, understands it, and provides feedback to the sender. In the company, communication is the key to success. The leader must give instructions, information, commands and wishes to his subordinates so that they understand and respond appropriately to the message. Of course, it is not only important that the leader is well placed on his orders, he also has to listen to the advice and opinions of the subordinates, so that he can improve their motivation, the work itself, and consequently help the company achieve the set goals. The term motivation could be defined as the process of challenging human activity and directing it to certain objects in order to achieve a certain goal, satisfying the need. Satisfying one need usually leads to a new need, which means that the motivation process is constantly repeated. In the process of motivating employees in the company, a great role is played by a leader. A good leader is distinguished by his powerful power on the staff and the ability to use that power. The key to their success is their need to achieve results and their desire to do better things. Therefore, the head of decision-making and leadership must be properly educated and trained. Its impact and positivity can significantly contribute to the realization and implementation of ideas and the implementation of these ideas in practice. The leader must feel, understand and also believe in his key mission, which is to promote his employees.
Secondary keywords: Leadership;motivation;communication;leader;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: VI, 36 str.
ID: 10850556
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