diplomsko delo
Mateja Paj (Author), Maja Kreslin (Mentor)


Prosta igra je izredno pomembna za predšolske otroke in njihov celostni razvoj. Otrok v igri pridobiva nova izkustva in znanja ter skoznjo razvija sposobnosti in spretnosti na vseh razvojnih področjih (kognitivnem, čustvenem, telesnem, socialnem in osebnostnem). Ker igra vpliva tako na otrokov razvoj inteligence kot tudi na njegovo telesno rast, je izredno pomembno, da se vzgojitelji in pomočniki vzgojiteljev zavedajo pomena proste igre in njene prisotnosti v otrokovem vsakdanjiku. Skozi igro otrok spoznava vrstnike, s čimer se uči strpnosti in pridobiva občutek za medsebojno sodelovanje, poleg tega razvija svoje mišljenje in se uči sam reševati probleme oziroma konflikte. Otrok ima tudi možnost čustvenega izražanja do določenih vsebin ali vrstnikov. Izredno pomembna je prosta igra v naravnem okolju, saj pripomore predvsem h krepitvi imunskega sistema ter telesnemu in motoričnemu razvoju otroka. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu je opisan otrokov razvoj, predstavljeni so pomen proste igre, dejavniki, ki nanjo vplivajo, in vloga oseb pri njej. V empiričnem delu smo raziskali odnos vzgojiteljev in pomočnikov vzgojiteljev do proste igre ter ugotavljali, ali omogočajo v okviru svojega dela prosto igro vsak dan, kdaj ji je namenjenega največ časa in kakšna je vloga vzgojitelja in pomočnika vzgojitelja v času proste igre. Rezultati so pokazali, da omogočajo vzgojitelji in pomočniki vzgojiteljev otrokom prosto igro vsak dan in da predstavlja ta v povprečju eno tretjino časa, namenjenega usmerjenim dejavnostim za otrokov razvoj in spontano igro.


diplomska dela;naravno okolje;otrokov razvoj;pomočniki vzgojiteljev;predšolski otroci;prosta igra;vzgojitelji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Paj]
UDC: 373.2:159.922.7(043.2)
COBISS: 23336968 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2842
Downloads: 836
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The importance of free play for child's development
Secondary abstract: Free play is very important for pre-school children and their rounded development. By playing a child gains new experience and knowledge and through play develops his or hers capabilities and skills in every field of development (cognitive, emotional, physical, social and personality). Because play influences the development of child's intelligence and his or her body growth it is very important for pre-school teachers and assistants to be aware of the importance of free play and its presence in child's everyday life. Through play a child has an opportunity to meet peers by which he or she learns tolerance, gains experience in mutual cooperation, develops thinking and tries to solve problems and conflicts on his or her own. The child has an opportunity to experience emotional expression towards specific content or other children. Free play in natural environment is also very important, especially for a healthy immune system, physical development and motor development of a child. The Diploma consists of theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part we have presented child's development, the importance of free play, the factors which influence it and the role of people in free play. In the empirical part we have researched the relation of pre-school teachers and assistants to free play, do they allow free play every day, where the most time is dedicated to free play and the role of pre-school teachers and assistants while the children are playing free. We have come to a conclusion that pre-school teachers and assistants allow children free play every day and on average free play represents one third of time dedicated for guided activities and non-guided play.
Secondary keywords: theses;natural environment;child's development;assistant preschool teachers;free play;pre-school teachers;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 49 f., [4] f. pril.
ID: 10852847