diplomsko delo
Matic Lisac (Author), Iztok Sila (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem raziskoval vpliv oglaševanja preko družbenih omrežij na prodajo v podjetju The N, ki so v raziskavi želeli ostati anonimni. Diplomsko delo sestavljata dva dela, in sicer teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem izhodišču predstavljam oglaševanje kot integralni del komunikacijskega spleta, prav tako predstavljam pomen marketinškega komuniciranja v družbenih omrežjih. Raziskavo o učinkovitosti oglaševanja v družbenih omrežjih v podjetju The N sem raziskoval s pomočjo kvantitativne metode dela, in sicer sem uporabil anketne vprašalnike ter kvalitativno metodo intervju. Rezultati anketnih vprašalnikov so pokazali, da je od 226 sledilcev Facebook spletne strani izbranega podjetja kar 63,3% tistih, pri katerih je oglas o izdelku izbranega podjetja preko družbenega medija Facebook vsaj enkrat vplival na nakupno dejanje, kar pomeni, da je prodajna učinkovitost oglasa visoka. S pomočjo intervjuja sem ugotovil, da se podjetje The N oglašuje preko družbenih medijev, kjer se lahko s potrošniki povežejo in kjer prepoznajo njihove želje. Prav tako sem ugotovil, da je družbeni medij tisto orodje, s pomočjo katerega lahko vzpostaviš medosebni odnos ter zaupanje. Poleg tega pa sem spoznal, da je pomemben del v procesu oglaševanja tudi pred testiranje, s pomočjo katerega podjetje potrdi najbolj učinkovito metodo oz. kanal za oglaševanje svojega izdelka.


digitalni marketing;marketinško komuniciranje;oglaševanje;družbena omrežja;prodaja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: GEA College - FP - GEA College of Entrepreneurship
Publisher: [M. Lisac]
UDC: 005(043.3)
COBISS: 513593218 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4035
Downloads: 212
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In my dissertation I have been researching the influence of advertising through social networks on the sales of Company The N. My dissertation is made up of two parts, first a theoretical part, followed by an empirical part. In the theoretical part I have presented advertising as an integral part of the communications web and the importance of communication through marketing on social networks. I have conducted my research on the effectiveness of advertising on social networks in Company The N by applying the qualitative method, by means of questionnaires and interviews. The results of the questionnaire showed that out of the 226 followers of the company's Facebook page a total of 63,3% has been infuenced in making purchase decisions by the advertisements of said company which indicates such a method is efficient. By conducting interviews I have come to the conclusion that advertising through the social media website Facebook is an inevitable communication channel that enables companies to reach potential shoppers, requiring comparatively little effort or financial invesment.
Secondary keywords: Digital marketing;Marketing communication;Advertising;Social media;Sale;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0000801
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: GEA College, Fak. za podjetništvo
Pages: 36 str., 3 str. pril.
ID: 10859160