delo diplomskega projekta
V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen marketinški načrt organizacije Botanični vrt Univerze v Mariboru. Opisan je celoten postopek in proces izdelave le-tega. Botanični vrt Univerze v Mariboru je največji botanični vrt v Sloveniji, velik osem hektarjev, in se nahaja v Pivoli pri Hočah. V vrtu se ukvarjajo z ohranjanjem biotske raznovrstnosti, z raziskovalno dejavnostjo, izobraževalno dejavnostjo, pa tudi s turistično dejavnostjo. V njem uspeva 2.000 različnih rastlinskih vrst in podvrst, predvsem iz severovzhodne Slovenije, nekaj pa tudi z drugih celin.
Marketinški načrt mora vsebovati smoter organizacije, analizo trga, konkurence odjemalcev in dobaviteljev ter analizo prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti. Nato sledi postavitev marketinških ciljev in oblikovanje marketinških strategij. Na koncu pa še opredelitev marketinškega spleta in pa finančni načrt.
Botanični vrt Univerze v Mariboru si je zastavil cilje predvsem v povezavi s povečanjem svojih dejavnosti in kolekcije rastlinskih vrst. Več finančnih sredstev nameravajo nameniti tudi v izgradnjo in posodobitev obstoječe infrastrukture, predvsem gostinskega in sanitarnega dela, pa tudi otroškega igrišča in povezave z mestno avtobusno linijo. Ti ukrepi so nujno potrebni, če želijo povečati število obiskovalcev in jih v vrtu obdržati dlje.
Pri turistični ponudbi botaničnega vrta bo imel arheološki park neprecenljiv pomen, saj ima vrt to srečo, da leži na območju, kjer se je pred več kot 2600 leti razprostiral pomemben del obsežnega gomilnega grobišča iz starejše železne dobe. Arheološki park bodo za obiskovalce odprli kmalu, zaenkrat pa je dostopen le prek majhne stalne arheološke razstave.
Botanični vrt Univerze v Mariboru se sooča z zelo majhnim številom zaposlenih. Zaposleni so namreč samo trije delavci, kar je glede na velikost vrta daleč premalo. Vrt je tudi brez redno zaposlenega vodje, prav tako pa je vidno veliko pomanjkanje strokovnih delavcev in vrtnarjev.
Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz štirih poglavij. V prvem je opisano področje in opredeljen problem, katerega bom v diplomskem delu obravnavala. Sledi teoretičen del, kjer je opredeljen marketinški načrt in predstavljen postopek oziroma proces marketinškega načrta. V tretjem poglavju je predstavljena organizacija Botanični vrt Univerze v Mariboru in izdelan marketinški načrt te organizacije, kjer so zajete vse sestavine procesa marketinškega načrta. V zadnjem poglavju pa sledi še sklepni del diplomskega dela.
marketing;načrtovanje marketinga;marketinško komuniciranje;SWOT analiza;trg;odjemalci;analiza trga;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[K. Golob] |
UDC: |
339.138 |
Views: |
906 |
Downloads: |
107 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Marketing plan for Botanical garden of the University of Maribor |
Secondary abstract: |
This diploma thesis presents a marketing plan for Botanical Garden of the University of Maribor. The thesis describes the whole process of creating a marketing plan. The Botanical Garden of the University of Maribor is the largest botanical garden in Slovenia, eight hectares wide, and is located in Pivola, near Hoče. The organization’s aims are preservation of biodiversity, research activities, educational activities, as well as tourism. It produces 2,000 different plant species and subspecies, mainly from the north-eastern part of Slovenia, and some even from other continents.
The marketing plan must include the organization's view, analysis of market, competition, customers and suppliers, as well as analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, followed by marketing goals and marketing strategies. And finally, the analysis of a marketing mix and a financial plan.
The botanical garden of the University of Maribor has set its goals primarily about the increase of its activities and the collection of plant species. They also intend to spend more financial resources on the construction and modernization of existing infrastructure, especially catering and sanitary facilities, as well as a playground and a connection with the city bus line. These measures are necessary if they want to increase the number of visitors and keep them in the garden for a longer period of time.
The archaeological park will have invaluable significance in the tourist offer of the botanical garden, as the garden is fortunate enough to lie in the area, where, more than 2600 years ago, spread an important part of the extensive tumulus burial ground from the earliest Iron Age. The archaeological park will be open to visitors soon, but for now it is only accessible through a small permanent archaeological exhibition.
The Botanical Garden of the University of Maribor faces the problem of a very small number of employees. There are only three employees, which is far from what the garden requires given the size of the garden. The garden does not have a regular head of the garden, and there is also a lack of skilled workers and gardeners.
This thesis consists of four chapters. The first one describes the scope and the problem that I will deal with in the thesis. This is followed by a theoretical part, where the marketing plan is defined and the process of the marketing plan is presented. In the third chapter I will present the organization Botanical Garden of the University of Maribor and create a marketing plan for this organization, where all components of the marketing plan process are covered. The last chapter contains the conclusion of the diploma thesis. |
Secondary keywords: |
marketing plan;organization;market;customers;market analysis;SWOT analysis;product/service;marketing communication; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Diploma project paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
II, 46 str. |
ID: |
10859991 |