delo diplomskega projekta
Maruša Štuhec (Author), Vojko Potočan (Mentor)


Kot osnovni problem smo v pričujoči nalogi obravnavali motiviranost zaposlenih v proizvodnem podjetju. Ustrezno motivirani delavci so tisti, ki so pri delu uspešni, zadovoljni in ki zastavljene cilje podjetja istovetijo s svojimi cilji. Počutijo se kot pomemben del podjetja in zaradi tega čutijo tudi pripadnost podjetju. Da bi čim bolje raziskali področje motiviranja zaposlenih smo v nalogi smo obravnavali osnovne pojme s področja motivacije zaposlenih in analizirali teoretične vire. Osnovni namen naloge je bil ugotoviti pomen motivacije, ki je pomemben dejavnik za uspešno doseganje ciljev podjetja, na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih in za ustvarjanje pozitivne delovne klime. Skozi opravljeno anketo smo ugotovili, da uspešnost zaposlenih ni odvisna le od osebnostnih in fizičnih sposobnosti, temveč veliko vlogo pri tem ima tudi motivacija kot način ravnanja z ljudmi, s katerim lahko nadrejeni doseže boljše rezultate celotnega podjetja. V praksi smo teoretična spoznanja glede motiviranosti zaposlenih preverjali v enem od proizvodnih podjetij. Za časa opravljanja študentskega dela smo s pomočjo ankete pridobili relevantne odgovore in se prepričali, da je za zaposlene, čeprav jim je ponujeno več vrst in načinov motiviranja, denarna motivacija le ena od ključnih.


zaposleni;motivacija;motiviranje;motivacijski dejavniki;zadovoljstvo;zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;proizvodno podjetje;raziskave;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Štuhec]
UDC: 331.101.3
COBISS: 12909084 Link will open in a new window
Views: 979
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Motivation of employees in the production company
Secondary abstract: As a basic problem, the motivation of employees in the production company was discussed in this order. Workers who are properly motivated are the ones who are successful at work, do their work with pleasure and goals of the company identify as its own goals. They are convinced that they are an important part of the company and therefore they feel a loyalty to the company. In order to better explore the field of employee motivation in this work we discuss the some basic concepts of the field of employee motivation and analyze theoretical sources. The basic purpose was to establish the importance of motivation, which is an important factor for the successful achievement of corporate goals, employee satisfaction and to create a positive working environment. Through the survey we found that employee performance does not depend only on personality and physical abilities, but also a great role in this has the motivation as a strategy by which manager seeks to achieve results signification for the entire company. In practice the theoretical knowledge about motivation employee we checked in the working environment in one of the production companies. For the duration of the student work through the survey, we obtained relevant answers and make sure that the employees, although they are offered several types and modes of motivation, have a financial motivation as one of the principal.
Secondary keywords: Keywords: employee;motivation;motivating factors;work environment;satisfaction at work;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: V, 49 str.
ID: 10861483
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