Aleš Doliška (Author)


Uporaba polimerov naravnega izvora oziroma biopolimerov se v zadnjih letih povečuje, posebno na področju biorafinerije. Najobetavnejši biopolimeri so rastlinski polisaharidi, ki so potencialni materiali tudi za hidrokoloide in nove napredne naravne materiale. Velika količina potencialno uporabnih hemiceluloz se zavrže med proizvodnjo termomehanične pulpe (TMP) z odpadnimi procesnimi vodami. Hemiceluloze iz mehkega lesa, kot je smrekovina, so bile testirane kot material za proizvodnjo biorazgradljivih filmov in hidrokoloidov. Adsorpcija in stabilnost teh adsorbiranih hemiceluloznih filmov sta pomembna dejavnika v koloidni in prehranski kemiji. Ena od tehnik, s katerimi lahko spremljamo adsorpcijo v realnem času, je kremenova mikrotehtnica (QCM-D). V našem prispevku smo uporabili kremenovo mikrotehtnico za adsorpcijo hemiceluloz iz smrekovine na modelno površino polietilentereftalata (PET). Dodana sol je povečala stopnjo adsorpcije hemiceluloz na površino PET zaradi omiljenja odbojnih sil med negativno nabito površino PET in negativnimi skupinami v hemicelulozah.


kremenova mikrotehtnica;hemiceluloze;termomehanična pulpa;galaktoglukomanan;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
UDC: 676.017
COBISS: 15653910 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0351-3386
Parent publication: Tekstilec
Views: 937
Downloads: 105
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Use of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) for biopolymers adsorption studies
Secondary abstract: The importance of biomaterials has been on the increase during the last years, especially in the field of biorefineries. The most abundant biopolymers are plant polysaccharides, which are potential materials for hydrocolloids and novel advanced natural materials. During the thermomechanical pulp (TMP) production, a huge amount of hemicelluloses with a great application potential are disposed with process waters. Hemicelluloses from spruce wood were tested as the material for the production of biodegradable films and as hydrocolloids. Therefore, the adsorption process and stability of adsorbed hemicellulose films are important in the colloid and food chemistry. One of the techniques which can be used for the in situ adsorption studies is quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation unit (QCM-D). In our study, QCM-D was used for monitoring the adsorption of hemicellulose from spruce wood onto model poly(ethyleneterephtalate) (PET) surface. The added salt increased the adsorption of hemicelluloses from softwood due to the shielding of repulsive forces between the negative charges of the PET surface and negative charge groups in hemicelluloses.
Secondary keywords: quartz crystal mikrobalance;hemicellulose;PET;thermomechanical pulp;galactoglucomanan;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 172-180
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ54
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ7/9
Chronology: 2011
ID: 10861500