diplomski projekt


V diplomskem projektu sem se ukvarjal s pomenom blagovnih znamk. Največ pozornosti sem namenil opredelitvi blagovnih znamk in pomenu znamk v športu. Predstavil sem delovanje managementa v športu, njegove temeljne naloge ter oblike športnega managementa, ki jih srečujemo. Teoretičen del zajema tudi družabna omrežja, kjer so opisana štiri največja omrežja, njihove značilnosti ter njihov pomen v današnjem času. S pridobljenim teoretičnim znanjem, sem v praktičnem delu opravil primerjavo in analizo dveh nogometnih klubov. Ugotavljal sem pomen družabnih omrežij pri nogometnem klubu Real Madrid in NK Maribor. Glavni cilj naloge je bil predstavitev upravljanja blagovnih znamk športnih ekip preko družabnih omrežij, kar je prikazano na praktičnemu primeru. Iz napisanega lahko sklepam, kako pomembno vlogo ima danes šport. Gre za dejavnost, ki iz dneva v dan raste in ima v poslovnem svetu zelo velik pomen.


blagovne znamke;športne ekipe;športni management;socialna omrežja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [L. Humek]
UDC: 658.626:796:004.738.5
COBISS: 12945436 Link will open in a new window
Views: 607
Downloads: 67
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Managing sports brands in social media
Secondary abstract: In the bachelor thesis dealt with the importance of brands. I devoted most of my attention to the definition of brands and the meaning of brands in sports. I have introduced the operation of management in sport, its basic tasks and the forms of sport management that we encounter. The theoretical part also includes social networks, where the four largest networks are described, their characteristics and their significance in the present day. With the acquired theoretical knowledge I have, in the practical work, done the comparison and analysis of two football clubs. I have identified the importance of social networks in the Real Madrid Football Club and NK Maribor. The main goal of the task was to present the management of sports teams' brands through social networks, which is presented on a practical example. From what is written I can conclude how important sport today is. It is an activity that grows day by day and has a great importance in the business world.
Secondary keywords: brands;sports;management;social networks;sports teams.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 31 str.
ID: 10861536
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