diplomski projekt
Barbara Štuhec (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Nakupovati preko spleta je danes marsikomu že nekaj normalnega in vsakdanjega. Priljubljenost spletnih trgovin se še vedno širi in skoraj ni podjetja, ki se ne bi slej ko prej odločilo vzpostaviti tudi ta način komunikacije s kupci. Način izgradnje spletne trgovine se seveda razlikuje od vsakega posameznega podjetja in njegovih želja, zato je treba dobro načrtovati in analizirati spletni trg, v katerega se podjetje želi vključiti. Podjetje se mora seznaniti s trendi na tem področju in osnovati takšno spletno trgovino, ki bo kupcem zanimiva na prvi pogled ter vredna zaupanja. Vsi uporabniki spleta se namreč zavedamo, da smo lahko zelo hitro žrtev zlorabe osebnih podatkov in številke kreditnih kartic. Zato je pomembno, da spletna trgovina zagotavlja varnost takšnih prenosov podatkov. Postavili smo se tudi v vlogo malega podjetja, ki želi v svoje delovanje uvesti spletno trgovino. Opisali smo celoten proces izgradnje spletne trgovine s pomočjo spletnega ponudnika izdelave spletnih strani Wix ter zgradili spletno trgovino s pomočjo predhodne predloge.


internet;trženje;spletna trgovina;spletno nakupovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Štuhec]
UDC: 004.738.5:339.138
COBISS: 12914204 Link will open in a new window
Views: 887
Downloads: 143
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Implementation of an online store in a small company
Secondary abstract: Nowdays shopping online is something that is normal and is happening everyday. The popularity of online stores is still expanding and there is practically no company that would not sooner or later have decided to establish this way of cumminicating with costumers. Every online store is different from each invidual company depanding on its desires. Therefore it is necessary to plan and analyze the online market in which the company wants to be involved. The company has to familiarize itself with the rends in this field and establish such an online store that will be interesting to costumers at first glance and trustworthy. All users of the web are aware that we can be very quickly victimized of misuse of personal information and credit card numbers. It is therefore important that online store provides the security od such data transfer. We also set ourselves up in the role of a small company that wants to launch an online store into its operation. We described the entire process of building an online store with the help of a web-based website designer called Wix and built an online store with the help of a preliminary template.
Secondary keywords: Online shopping;online trading;online store;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 32 str.
ID: 10862224
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