diplomsko delo
Urška Kalan (Author), Henrik Gjerkeš (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu je obravnavan postopek načrtovanja in umerjanja termo-hidravličnega modela ter optimizacije daljinskega sistema ogrevanja. Uporaba termo-hidravličnega modela za načrtovanje in vodenje daljinskega ogrevanja je učinkovit pristop za zanesljivejše delovanje, zmanjšanje toplotnih izgub in povečanje ekonomske uspešnosti sistema. Za načrtovanje modela in vodenje sistema smo uporabili programsko opremo Termis. Prikazana je podrobna predstavitev obravnavanega sistema z vsemi komponentami, postopek umerjanja modela po odsekih in skupaj, analiza delovanja ter učinek predlaganih ukrepov na povečanje učinkovitosti in varnosti z oskrbo s toplotno energijo. Umerjeni termo-hidravlični model predstavlja osnovo za spremljanje trenutnega stanja v sistemu, analizo razmer ter določitev lokacije in vrsto morebitnih težav v vročevodu. Rezultat je večja energijska in ekonomska učinkovitost sistema daljinskega ogrevanja, kar smo demonstrirali s 3,2% zmanjšanjem rabe električne energije zgolj z ukrepi, ki temeljijo na rezultatih analize sistema daljinskega sistema v mestu Velenju s termo-hidravličnim modelom.


daljinsko ogrevanje;termo-hidravlično modeliranje;umerjanje sistema;optimizacija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UNG PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Publisher: [U. Kalan]
UDC: 62
COBISS: 4920571 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5171
Downloads: 315
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Thermo-hydraulic model for the planning and managing the district heating systems
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with the design and calibration process of the thermal-hydraulic model, and with the optimisation of the district heating system. The use of a thermal-hydraulic model for the design and management of district heating is an effective approach, providing a more reliable operation, heat loss reduction and increase in the economic performance of the system. The Termis software tool was used for the design and management of the system. The thesis contains a detailed presentation of this system, including all of its components, the process of calibrating the model by segments and as a whole, the analysis of the operation and the effect of the proposed measures on increasing the efficiency and safety of the thermal energy supply. The calibrated thermal-hydraulic model is the basis for monitoring the current state of the system, analysing the situation and determining the location and the type of possible problems in the hot water system. The result is a higher energy and economic efficiency of the district heating system, shown by a 3.2% reduction in the use of electricity only by using the measures based on the results of the district system analysis in the City of Velenje with a thermo-hydraulic model.
Secondary keywords: district heating;thermo-hydraulic modelling;system calibration;optimization;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Novi Gorici, Poslovno-tehniška fak.
Pages: XIV, 70 str.
ID: 10862906
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