magistrsko delo
Tomaž Jakin (Avtor), Henrik Gjerkeš (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi smo na podlagi podrobne analize obstoječega sistema daljinskega ogrevanja predlagali variantne nadgradnje, ki bodo znižale ceno ogrevanja in povečale energetsko učinkovitost skladno s strategijo EU in Slovenije na področju trajnostnega ogrevanja stavb. Izgube sistema smo po znižanju temperature vtoka glavnega razvoda iz 75°C na 65°C znižali z 21,68 % na 16,28 %. V analizi trajnostnih in okoljskih vidikov zamenjave obstoječega energenta smo izvedli primerjavo različnih energentov upoštevajoč izkoristek posameznega sistema. Naredili smo primerjavo med zemeljskim plinom, sekanci, peleti in toplotna črpalka (TČ). Podrobneje smo analizirali TČ za objekt 14 in ugotovili da je TČ je ekonomsko in trajnostno v analiziranem primeru najučinkovitejša rešitev. V prvi fazi ekonomske analize smo naredili izračun denarnega toka za sanacijo izolacije glavnega razvoda. Ocena znižanja obratovalnih stroškov temelji na znižanju toplotnih izgub vročevoda s 16,28 % na 4,71 %. Investicija se povrne v 10 letih. Ocena finančnih kazalnikov investicije v TČ brez sanacije izolacije glavnega razvoda za vse objekte upošteva prihranke zgolj zaradi nižje cene toplote iz TČ v primerjavi s plinskim kotlom. Investicija se povrne v 8 letih. Pokazali smo, da ima celovit pristop s toplotno sanacijo vročevoda ob hkratni zamenjavi plinskih kotlov s

Ključne besede

sistemi daljinskega ogrevanja;trajnostna energija;toplotne črpalke;zemeljski plin;sončne elektrarne;magistrske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UNG PTF - Poslovno-tehniška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Jakin]
UDK: 620.92/.98
COBISS: 64499203 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2123
Št. prenosov: 80
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: District heating system up grade With sustainable energy
Sekundarni povzetek: In the master's thesis, based on a detailed analysis of the existing district heating system, the master's thesis suggested variants of upgrades that will lower the price of heating and increase energy efficiency in accordance Wirth the EU and Slovenia's strategy in the field of sustainable heating of buildings We have reduced system losses from 21.68 % to 16.28 % after decreasing the flow temperature of the main distribution from 75 °C to 65 °C. In the analysis of the sustainable and environmental aspects of the replacement of the existing energy source, a comparison of different energy products was made taking into account the efficiency of each system. We made a comparison between natural gas, wood chips, pellets, and heat pump (HP). We analyzed the heat pump for object 14 in detail. The heat pump is the most economically sustainable solution. In the first phase of the economic analysis, we made a calculation of the cash flow for the restoration of the isolation of the main pipeline. Revenues or reduced costs are based on a reduction in losses from the existing 16.28 % in the calculation ratio of 4.71 % and are valued at the price of natural gas. An investment refunded within 10 years. An investment in the heat pump without the repair of the main pipeline for all objects is based on a comparison of the use of natural gas and electricity for the use of the heat pump and is valued on the price of natural gas. An investment refundable within 8 years. The correct legislative and sustainable approach to the rehabilitation of the conditions is the investment in the heat pump and the rehabilitation of the isolation of the main pipeline. An investment refunded in 11 years.
Sekundarne ključne besede: District heating system;sustainable energy;heat pumps;natural gas;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Novi Gorici, Poslovno-tehniška fak.
Strani: XII, 58 str.
ID: 12939149