diplomsko delo
Anita Žižek (Author), Marija Ropič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Spodbujanje besedišča predšolskih otrok "ob branju" slikovnega gradiva bomo v teoretičnem delu s pomočjo literature predstavili razvoj govora in besedišča v predšolskem obdobju. Dotaknili se bomo tako dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na govorni razvoj in razvoj besedišča, kot tudi tistih, ki zavirajo razvoj besedišča, in s tem celostne osebnosti otroka. V empiričnem delu bomo raziskali otrokovo stopnjo znanja na dveh preverjanjih v časovnem razmiku šestih mesecev. Obdelali bomo zmožnosti in znanje poimenovanja sličic z delno pomočjo vzgojiteljice, samostojno poimenovanje predmetov in dejanj ter poimenovanje prvega glasu z delno pomočjo vzgojiteljice. Podatki, pridobljeni v empiričnem delu, bodo prikazali stopnjo razvoja in napredka besedišča otrok med prvim in drugim preverjanjem.


diplomska dela;razvoj govora;razvoj besedišča;dejavniki govornega razvoja;porajajoča se pismenost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Žižek]
UDC: 373.2:159.946.3(043.2)
COBISS: 23435784 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1228
Downloads: 372
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Vocabulary encouragement of preschool while reading visual
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of the diploma paper entitled Promoting the vocabulary of pre-school children by 'reading' the images, we will present the development of speech and vocabulary in the pre-school age, with the help of literature. We will also mention the factors that influence speech development and development of vocabulary, and the factors that can negatively influence or inhibit the development of vocabulary and thus the child's overall personality. In the empirical part, we will explore the child's level of knowledge on two checks at a time span of six months. We will handle the abilities and knowledge of naming the pictures with the partial help of the educator, the independent naming of objects and actions, and the naming of the first sound with the partial help of the educator. The data obtained in the empirical part will show the level of development and progress of the vocabulary of children during the first and second verification.
Secondary keywords: theses;speech development;vocabulary development;speech development factors;emerging literacy;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 70 f.
ID: 10864758