
The nature of the relation between the art and art teaching is dialectical. Art teaching is unthinkable and unrealizable without art substances, and a work of art can't achieve its full sense without educated person capable of experience. Starting from that fact came the idea to explore the perception of the art works at the children in the early school age, in this case at the children in the first and the second grade of the primary school, their preferences and the attitude towards the works of art. It was tried to figure out how much children of the lower school age like to view the works of art and the preferences of the pupils of the lower school age (first and second grades of primary schools) according to work of arts of traditional or modern artistic expression (controlling the influence of the variable — gender), drawings or paintings, figurative or abstract presentation. Children of early school age in a higher percentage choose paintings in relation to drawings (81 % of the pupils of the first grade and 79% of the second grade). Most of the children of the lower school age (69% of the pupils of the first grade and 76% of the second grade) prefer figurative in relation to abstract expression. Most of the children of the lower school age like to view art work.


likovna vzgoja;metodika;učne metode;začetni pouk;osnovne šole;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.03 - Short Scientific Article
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: Pedagoška fakulteta
UDC: 37.091.33:73/76
COBISS: 251142912 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1855-4431
Parent publication: Revija za elementarno izobraževanje
Views: 825
Downloads: 61
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Otrok in likovna umetnost v prvem in drugem razredu osnovne šole
Secondary abstract: Likovna umetnost in pouk likovne vzgoje sta po svoji naravi v dialektičnem odnosu, saj poučevanje likovne vzgoje ni mogoče brez umetniških vsebin, prav tako pa likovno delo ne dosega temeljnega cilja, če ne razvijamo posameznikovih sposobnosti likovnoestetskega doživljanja. Da bi utrdili to povezavo, smo preučevali percepcijo likovnih del pri učencih razredne stopnje v prvem in drugem razredu osnovne šole. Posebej nas je zanimal odnos učencev do likovnih del. Cilj raziskave se je navezoval predvsem na ugotavljanje odnosa učencev zgodnjega šolskega obdobja do umetniških del tradicionalnega in sodobnega likovnoumetniškega izraza. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 172 učencev prvih in drugih razredov osnovne šole (n = 172). Ob spremljanju odnosa do umetniških del tradicionalnega in sodobnega likovnoumetniškega izraza smo ugotavljali morebitne razlike med spoloma, in sicer glede na risbo ali sliko ter glede na figurativno ali abstraktno umetnost.
Secondary keywords: likovna vzgoja;metodika;učne metode;začetni pouk;osnovne šole;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 121-135
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ2
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2/3
Chronology: nov. 2009
ID: 10865005
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