magistrsko delo
Moira Berginc (Author), Martina Ozbič (Mentor), Damjana Kogovšek (Co-mentor)


V zadnjih letih se v razvojnem obdobju namenja vedno večjo pozornost osebam z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami. Posledično so tudi vedno večje potrebe po natančnejši diagnostiki in natančno zastavljenih logopedskih obravnavah. Zato so vedno večje zahteve po natančnejših ocenjevalnih testih. Ker v slovenskem prostoru ni veliko standardiziranih in nestandardiziranih preskusov za ugotavljanje govorno jezikovnega razvoja pri otrocih, bi potrebovali celosten test, ki bi obsegal vsa področja govorno-jezikovnega razvoja. Zaradi zgoraj navedenega sem se odločila, da se v svoji magistrski nalogi osredotočim na to temo. Z magistrskim delom sem izvedla pilotsko študijo instrumentarija Baterija govorno-jezikovnega razvoja pri otrocih z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami od 4. do 12. leta starosti (ital. Batteria per la Valutazione del Linguaggio in bambini dai 4 ai 12 anni, v nadaljevanju BVL_4-12). Testno baterijo za ocenjevanje govorno-jezikovnih zmožnosti so sestavili Andrea Marini, Luigi Marotta, Sara Bulgheroni ter Franco Fabbro (2014) in je diagnostični instrumentarij za ocenjevanje govorno-jezikovnih zmožnosti od 4. do 12. leta starosti. Nastal je s ciljem ocenjevanja govorno-jezikovnih zmožnosti pri otrocih v italijanskem jeziku, prvi avtor prvotne različice Marini pa spodbuja adaptacijo testa v jezike bližnjih držav ter jezikovnih manjšin v Italiji. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila komunikacijo, splošna ter bolj specifična področja govorno-jezikovnega razvoja in predstavila obstoječe instrumentarije/teste, ki obstajajo na logopedskem področju. Prevod in priredbo instrumentarija, ki je nastal v sodelovanju z Ozbič, Kogovšek in Novšak Brce, sem preverila na 30 osebah (15 ženskah in 15 moških). Cilj pilotske študije je bil ugotoviti ustreznost prevoda in priredbe za skupino otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami ter uporabnost pri otrocih z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami. Za tovrstno raziskavo sem se odločila, ker v Sloveniji na področju logopedskega dela nimamo ustreznih instrumentarijev, s katerimi bi lahko podali natančnejšo diagnozo. Priredba je del projekta, ki se dogaja na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani, z naslovom: Oblikovanje slovenskega fonološkega preskusa in prevod ter adaptacija instrumenta "Batteria per la Valutazione del Linguaggio in bambini dai 4 ai 12 anni (BVL_4-12), avtorjev Andrea Marinija, Luigija Marotte, Sare Bulgheroni in Franca Fabbra, kjer je vodja dr. Martina Ozbič.


govorno-jezikovni razvoj;govorno-jezikovne motnje;testi za ocenjevanje govora in jezika;logopedska diagnostika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Berginc]
UDC: 376.1-056-264(043.2)
COBISS: 11717961 Link will open in a new window
Views: 965
Downloads: 148
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Verbal-linguistic ability of children with speech and language disorders in Primorsko- karst region
Secondary abstract: In the last years, the studies regarding people with speech and language disorders are focused on child development. Consequently, a growing need has emerged for more accurate diagnosis and precise objective speech therapy. Because of this, the demand for more accurate assessment tests is increasing. As nowadays the Slovenian area is characterized by the lack of standardized and non-standardized tests for speech and language development in children, we would need a comprehensive test covering all the areas of speech and language development. For the above reasons, I decided to focus my master's thesis on that topic. In my thesis, I conducted a pilot study using the speech and language assessment Battery in children with speech disorders from 4 to 12 years of age (ital. Batteria per la Valutazione del Linguaggio in bambini dai 4 ai 12 anni, BVL_4-12). The test battery to assess speech and language skills was designed by Andrea Marini, Luigi Marotta, Sara Bulgheroni and Franco Fabbro (2014) and it is a diagnostic instrument for assessing speech and language skills from 4 to 12 years of age. It was built with the aim to evaluate the speech and language skills in children in the Italian language but Marini who is the author of the original version encourages the test adaptation in the languages of the neighboring countries and of the linguistic minorities in Italy. In the theoretical part, I gave a general definition of communication, and I defined more specific areas of speech and language development, and I described the tests used in the field of speech therapy. The test battery, translated and adapted from Italian to Slovenian language with the collaboration of Ozbič, Kogovšek and Novšak Brce, was applied on 30 subjects (15 women and 15 men). The aim of the pilot study was to determine the appropriateness of the translation and adaptation on a group of children with speech and language disorders and its usefulness in children with speech and language disorders. I chose this kind of research because, in Slovenia, in the area of speech therapy, we do not have the appropriate instruments to make an accurate diagnosis. The test translation and adaptation is a part of the project which takes place at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana, entitled: Design and test of phonological Slovenian translation and adaptation of the instrument "Batteria per la Valutazione del Linguaggio in bambini dai 4 ai 12 anni (BVL_4-12)" (authors Andrea Marini, Luigi Marotta, Sara Bulgheroni and Franco Fabbro), whose leader is Dr. Martina Ozbič.
Secondary keywords: speech defect;child;govorna motnja;otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Drugostopenjski magistrski študijski program, Logopedija in surdopedagogika
Pages: XV, 126 f.
ID: 10865173