diplomsko delo
Sabrina Barbarič (Author), Stojan Kostanjevec (Mentor), Martina Erjavšek (Co-mentor)


Gospodinjstvo je obvezen predmet 5. in 6. razreda osnovne šole v Sloveniji, v tujini pa se ta pojavlja pod imenom Home Economics, vendar v različnih razredih osnovne in tudi srednje šole. Vsebine so si zelo podobne, le v nekaterih državah določene izstopajo ali pa so dodane nove, cilji in način poučevanja se od države do države v različnih šolskih sistemih razlikujejo. V obravnavanih državah se s predmetom gospodinjstvo ukvarjajo bolj, saj menijo, da se ta osredotoča na posameznika in na družino kot temelj družbe in gospodarstva. K razvoju gospodinjstva strmi tudi Slovenija, saj je iz raziskav razvidno, da ne le učitelji temveč tudi starši otrok označujejo gospodinjstvo kot predmet, ki je pomemben za vsakdanje življenje otrok danes in v prihodnosti. Gospodinjstvo uči učence pozornosti, varnosti, situacijskega zavedanja, potrpljenja in načrtovanja. Razvija zaupanje in timsko delo posameznika. Pri analizi učnih načrtov predmeta gospodinjstvo in z gospodinjstvom primerljivimi predmeti tujih držav, kot so, Grčija, Malta, Kanada, Avstralija in Nova Zelandija, sem opazila razlike in tudi nekaj podobnosti glede vsebin in načina izvajanja predmeta gospodinjstvo. Posebej so me zanimala glavna vsebinska področja pri posamezni državi, razmerja med teoretičnim in praktičnim načinom poučevanja in ali se vsebine gospodinjstva pojavljajo tudi pri katerih drugih predmetih, primerljivih z gospodinjstvom, ki so posamični ali pa imajo le drugo poimenovanje predmeta.


učni načrt;vsebinsko področje;standardi znanja;cilji znanja;home economics;primerjava med državami;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Barbarič]
UDC: 64(043.2)
COBISS: 11747401 Link will open in a new window
Views: 617
Downloads: 212
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Contents of home economics education in Greece, Malta, Canada, Australia and New Zeland
Secondary abstract: In Slovenia, home economics is a compulsory school subject in 5th and 6th grade of Primary School, whereas in other countries, home economics is taught in different grades in primary and secondary/high school. The contents are very similar, only in some countries certain topics stand out or are added, but the objectives and methods of teaching vary from country to country due to different education systems. In the countries concerned, there is more attention devoted to home economics as it is believed that it is focused on an individual and the family as the cornerstone of the society and economy. Slovenia is also aiming to develop more the home economics subject since research shows that not only teachers but also parents perceive the home economics as important for the everyday lives of children today and in the future. Home economics teaches pupils about paying attention, security, situational awareness, patience and planning. It develops confidence and teamwork skills of the individual. During the analysis of the curricula of the subject home economics and comparable school curricula subjects in foreign countries such as Greece, Malta, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, I have noticed differences and some similarities regarding the contents and the way of conducting the home economics subject. I was particularly interested in the main subject areas in each country, the ratio between the theoretical and practical teaching and whether the contents taught within the home economics subject come up in other individual or just differently-named subjects, comparable to home economics.
Secondary keywords: home economics;teaching programme;gospodinjstvo;učni programi;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Gospodinjstvo in kemija
Pages: 51 str.
ID: 10867502