magistrsko delo
Beno Lapajne (Author), Silvo Dajčman (Mentor)


Reševanje stanovanjskega problema je ena izmed pomembnejših odločitev v življenju posameznika. Sama izbira primernega stanovanja oziroma hiše je le prvi korak pri uresničitvi želje po svojem bivališču. Samo financiranje nakupa nepremičnine je povezano z zagotovitvijo potrebnih finančnih sredstev. Ker je v večini primerov znesek lastnih sredstev za nakup nepremičnine premajhen, se ljudje obračajo na banke, z željo po zagotovitvi teh manjkajočih sredstev. Osnovno poslanstvo bank je poleg zbiranja denarnih sredstev tudi nadaljnje plasiranje teh sredstev v obliki kreditov. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča najprej na predstavitev trenutne ponudbe slovenskih bank za financiranje nakupa nepremičnin s strani fizičnih oseb, nato na pregled obsega in pogojev kreditiranja v letih po začetku finančne krize v svetu leta 2008 pa vse do konca prve polovice leta 2017. Z ozirom na vrsto zavarovanja stanovanjskega kredita smo predstavil ponudbo hipotekarnih kreditov in stanovanjskih kreditov s plačilom zavarovalne premije zavarovalnici ter primerjal to ponudbo glede na vrsto obrestne mere samega kredita, in sicer sem predstavil ponudbo 10 letnih stanovanjskih kreditov v višini 50.000,00 EUR, s fiksno in spremenljivo obrestno mero. S pregledom efektivne obrestne mere sem torej med seboj primerjal ceno samih stanovanjskih kreditov od leta 2007 do 31.07.2017. Pregled stanovanjskega kreditiranja v letih po začetku krize je pokazal, da so je obseg novih stanovanjskih kreditov začel zmanjševati šele po letu 2010 in dosegel dno leta 2013. V letu 2017 pa je obseg novo odobrenih stanovanjskih zopet na ravni iz leta 2010. Cene stanovanjskih kreditov pa so za razliko od obsega novoodobrenih stanovanjskih kreditov začele padati že takoj v letu 2009 in so trenutno na najnižji ravni v zadnjih 10 letih. Pomemben del magistrske naloge je tudi predstavitev novega Zakona o potrošniških kreditih (ZPotK-2), ki je bil sprejet v lanskem letu in se je začel uporabljati 02.03.2017 ter vpliv tega novega zakona na bolj odgovorno najemanje pa tudi odobravanje kreditov potrošnikom. Osnovni namen novega zakona je preprečiti prezadolževanje prebivalstva. Z anketo med 60 anketiranci sem želel preveriti, kako je nov zakon spremenil proces odobravanja stanovanjskih kreditov v slovenkih bankah ter kako je zagotovil bolj odgovorno odobravanje teh kreditov, saj je prav to eno izmed najpomembnejših namenov tega novega zakona. Anketa je pokazala, da so kreditojemalci po sprejetju novega zakona bolj seznanjeni s tveganji kakor prej. S tem se preprečuje predzadolžitev samih kreditojemalcev in preprečuje ponovitev situacije izpred 10 let, ko so kreditojemalci velikokrat najemali stanovanjske kredite v švicarskih frankih, in sicer apreciacijo tečaja švicarskega franka proti evru.


krediti;kreditiranje;stanovanjski kredit;hipotekarni kredit;obrestna mera;varstvo potrošnikov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Lapajne]
UDC: 336.77(043.2)
COBISS: 12983836 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1247
Downloads: 204
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mortgage and housing loans of banks in Slovenia and consumer protection
Secondary abstract: Solving a housing problem is one of the most important decisions in life of each individual. Choosing the appropriate apartment or house is just the first step towards the realisation of one’s dreams of having a place of their own. Financing a purchase of a real estate is connected to the ability to ensure the necessary financial assets. In majority of cases, the amount of own funds for buying a real estate is insufficient which is the reason why people turn to banks in order to ensure the lacking funds. Bank’s core mission, in addition to collecting financial assets, is also the subsequent placement of these assets in form of loans. The Master’s Thesis focuses primarily on the presentation of the current options offered by Slovenian banks to finance natural persons buying real estates. Later on it focuses on the overview of scale and terms of loans through the years after the start of the financial crisis in 2008 and all to the end of the first half of 2017. Depending on the type of mortgage loan insurance we presented the available mortgage and housing loans by paying insurance premiums to the insurance company and compared these options in relation to the interest rate of the loan itself. I presented an array of ten annual housing loans of 50,000.00 EUR with a fixed and floating interest rate. By examining annual percentage rate I compared the price of housing loans from 2007 to 31 July 2017. The review of housing loans in the years since the onset of the crisis showed that the volume of new housing loans began to decline only after 2010 and reached the bottom in 2013. In 2017, the volume of newly approved housing is again at the level of 2010. The prices of housing loans unlike the volume of newly approved housing loans, they started to decline already in 2009 and are currently at the lowest level in the last 10 years. An important part of the thesis is the presentation of the new Consumer Credit Act (ZPotK-2), which was passed last year and came into action on 2 March 2017, and the impact of this new law on more responsible borrowing, as well as the grantinhg of loans to consumers. The basic purpose of the new law is to prevent the over-indebtedness of the population. Through a survey including 60 respondents I intended to check how the new law changed the process of approving housing loans in Slovene banks and how it enabled a more responsible approval of these loans, which is one of the main aims of the new law. The survey showed that after the adoption of the new law borrowers are more familiar with the risks than before. This prevents over-indebtedness of the borrowers and repetition of the situation from ten years ago when the borrowers often took housing loans in Swiss francs. This meant that they took upon themselves the risk brought by the possibility of appreciation of Swiss franc against euro.
Secondary keywords: loan;housing loan;mortgage loan;comparison of the available housing loans;Consumer Credit Act;interest rate;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 64 str., 3 str. pril.
ID: 10872407