magistrsko delo
Anja Jug (Author), Mateja Ploj Virtič (Mentor)


V učenca usmerjeno učenje je pristop, ki se v šolah vse pogosteje uporablja. Učitelji želijo, da bi se učenci začeli zavedati, da sami zmorejo več, učitelji pa jih pri samostojnem učenju spodbujajo. Pri tem lahko uporabljajo raznolike metode poučevanja, najpogostejše so opisane v tem delu. Razlog za raziskavo je ta, da sem v sklopu študijskih obveznostih pri poučevanju na šolah ugotavljala, zakaj prihodnje učitelje spodbujajo k uporabi različnih metod poučevanja, če jih učitelji na šolah ne uporabljajo, rezultati po uporabljeni "novi" metodi pa so bili skoraj vedno prijetno pozitivni. Kot raziskovalno metodo sem uporabila spletno anketiranje, v katerem so sodelovali učitelji nekaterih osnovnih šol v Sloveniji, prav tako pa sem preučila obstoječe gradivo o metodah poučevanja. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene in na kratko opisane različne aktivne metode poučevanja ter metode, pri katerih je v osrednji vlogi učenec. Opisala sem tudi klasično metodo poučevanja, frontalni pouk, ki v šolah prevladuje. V raziskovalnem delu dela sem s pomočjo vprašalnika, ki sem ga poslala v slovenske osnovne šole ugotavljala, katere oblike poučevanja prevladujejo pri predmetu tehnika in tehnologija in kako so le-te razporejene čez leto glede na temo iz učnega načrta. Zanimali so me tudi odzivi učencev, kje učitelji pridobivajo ideje, literaturo in kakšna je kvaliteta gradiva. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da tehniko večinoma poučujejo učitelji z ustrezno strokovno izobrazbo, prevladujoči metodi, pri tem predmetu sta frontalni pouk in izdelava izdelka. Učenci se na metode, naj si bodo klasične oz. opisane v tem delu ali učiteljeve lastne dobro odzovejo. Za boljšo motivacijo učitelji iščejo ideje in gradiva za izdelke večinoma na spletu ali v aktualnih učbenikih, njihova kakovost pa je ustrezna.


magistrska dela;učne metode;poučevanje;aktivnosti;motivacija;učenci;šole;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [A. Jug]
UDC: 37.091.3:62(043.2)
COBISS: 23695624 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1198
Downloads: 194
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Student centered learning
Secondary abstract: Student-centered learning is an approach that is being used increasingly in schools. Teachers want students to be aware of the fact that they have the ability to do more (work/tasks) on their own, that they are able to study by themselves and because of that they are also being encouraged to do so. To encourage the students, teachers are using a variety of different teaching methods and the most common ones will be described in this dissertation. The reason I decided to carry out this survey is because during my teaching practice in schools I was trying to figure out why teachers-to-be are being encouraged to use different kinds of teaching-methods, if those are not used in schools by teachers themselves, even though results regarding the "new" methods are always positive. The research method I used was an online questionnaire in which elementary schools in Slovenia participated in. Additionally I also examined the literature regarding teaching methods. In the theoretical part, various active teaching methods, in which the student plays the central role, are presented and also briefly described. I also described the classical method of teaching, frontal teaching, which predominates in schools. The research was carried out with a questionnaire which I had sent to Slovenian primary schools. With it I established which forms of teaching are predominating in the subject technology and how they are organized during the school year according to the content of the curriculum. I was also interested in students' responses, in where the teachers acquire ideas and literature from and in the quality of the material used by the teachers. The results indicate that the subject technology is mostly taught by teachers who have a profession in this subject. The methods that prevail in class are frontal instruction and the making of a product. There is a good response by students regarding the methods of teachers, whether they are classical or invented by teachers themselves. For a higher motivation in students, teachers are browsing the internet or using current textbooks for getting ideas. The ideas and materials for the products have a solid quality.
Secondary keywords: master theses;teaching methods;teaching;acitivities;motivation;students;schools;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za tehniko
Pages: V, 66 f.
ID: 10893055