magistrsko delo
Petra Šter (Author), Bojan Golli (Mentor), Gregor Bavdek (Co-mentor)


Fosforescenca je pojav, pri katerem snov absorbira svetlobo in jo čez čas s prepovedanim prehodom izseva. Ker so ti prehodi malo verjetni, in zato dokaj redki, je za fosforescenco značilen šibkejši, a dlje časa trajajoč svetlobni tok. V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočila na problem merjenja gostote svetlobnega toka, učinkovitosti absorpcije in največje možne absorbirane svetlobne energije pri fosforescenci na dveh primerih fosforescentnih predmetov. Na podlagi izmerjene valovne dolžine sem nazadnje dobila tudi gostoto aktivnih stanj. Za eksperimentalni del sem razvila metodo, osnovano na uporabi digitalnega fotoaparata, ki omogoča merjenje majhnih svetlobnih tokov. Delo je uporabno tudi za pouk fizike v šoli, saj je fosforescenco mogoče razložiti kot pojav shranjevanja svetlobne energije. Merilno metodo lahko uporabimo pri nekaterih poskusih s svetlobo v šoli. Kot demonstracijo uporabe te merilne metode sem izmerila svetlobni tok z Lune, ko je nastopil prvi krajec, in ko je bila ta skoraj polna. Nadalje sem izmerila svetlobno energijo, ki jo odda bliskavica. Dobljene rezultate sem primerjala s teoretičnimi vrednostmi in na tej podlagi ugotavljala prednosti in mogoče pomanjkljivosti uporabe digitalnega fotoaparata kot merilnega instrumenta.


fosforescenca;energijska gostota;pojemanje svetlobnega toka;učinkovitost absorpcije;gostota aktivnih stanj;digitalni fotoaparat;Luna;bliskavica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Šter]
UDC: 535.373(043.2)
COBISS: 11899977 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1018
Downloads: 238
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Measuring phosphorescence energy flux
Secondary abstract: Phosphorescence is a phenomenon in which a substance absorbs some light and over some time emits it with a forbidden transition. These transitions have very low probability and are therefore fairly rare. Phosphorescence produces a small but a long persistent light flux. In this master thesis I focus on the problem of measuring light flux, the efficiency of absorption and the measurement of the maximum of absorbed energy. Based on the measured central wavelength I calculate the density of active states. I carry out measurements on two samples of phosphorescent objects. For all experiments I use a simple measuring method, based on a digital camera, which is appropriate for measuring small light fluxes. This thesis can also be useful for teaching physics in school because the phenomenon of phosphorescence can be explained as storing of light energy. Furthermore, the measuring method can be applied to other experiments with light which are relevant for school. As an example I measure the light flux from the last quarter of Moon and from the almost full Moon, as well as the light energy which the flash emits. I compare these measurements with theoretical values. Based on these comparisons I analyse advantages and possible disadvantages of using the digital camera as a measuring instrument.
Secondary keywords: physics;fizika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Predmetno poučevanje
Pages: 63 str.
ID: 10899845