doktorska disertacija
Peter Lepej (Author), Suzana Uran (Mentor)


Avtonomna mobilna robotika je uporabna v nadzornih sistemih in kot pomoč pri iskanju in reševanju žrtev v primeru nesreč. Regulacija hitrosti modularnega avtonomnega sistema za pomoč pri reševanju ob naravnih nesrečah ima veliko težo, saj je bistvena za pravilno gibanje v prostoru. Ena izmed pomembnih nalog v avtonomni robotiki je regulacija hitrosti (linearne in kotne), ki jo proizvede avtonomni sistem za mobilno bazo. Naš glavni cilj je ustvariti hitrostni regulator na višjem nivoju, ki ga je mogoče uporabiti na različnih mobilnih platformah. V tem primeru se osredotočamo na mobilne robote z diferencialnim pogonom. Naš pristop sloni na iskanju ujemanja krožnic, ki upošteva kinematični model in omejitve mobilne baze robota. Na podlagi algoritma se izvede trajektorija, ta je odvisna od nastavljenih parametrov, ki so prilagojeni za mobilno bazo. Dodatno smo v algoritem vključili poravnavo kota orientacije in kompenzacijo naklona kota med gibanjem mobilnega robota. Opisali smo našega reševalnega robota in sisteme za avtonomno delovanje in implementacijo algoritmov. Predlagan algoritem za sledenje smo primerjali z algoritmom Hector. Prikazani so rezultati primerjav in rezultati sledenja mobilnega robota v simulacijah in realnih eksperimentih. Nato smo nadaljevali naše delo z implementacijo našega algoritma na brezpilotnih letečih vozilih, kjer smo zgradili kompletno simulacijo z možnostjo vključitve pravega letečega vozila. Na tem sistemu smo izvedli serijo eksperimentov, da bi dokazali koncept sistema.


avtonomni mobilni roboti;mobilni roboti;ujemanje krožnic;sledenje poti;hitrostna regulacija;reševalni roboti;brezpilotna leteča vozila;kombinirana simulacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [P. Lepej]
UDC: 007.52:004.358(043.3)
COBISS: 293881088 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1109
Downloads: 135
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Systems and control for autonomous mobile robots in cluttered environments
Secondary abstract: Many applications such as surveillance, inspection, search and rescue operations can be performed with autonomous robots. Our aim is to control a modular autonomous system in rescuing robotics. One of the basic problems regarding autonomous robotics is the execution part in which the control commands (translation and rotational velocities) are produced for mobile bases. We have focused on this area because for skid-steered mobile robots there is available only a small amount of path following software. Our goal was to develop a velocity controller that could be used for multiple skid-steered mobile bases. We considered differential drive mobile bases such as tracked skid-steering mobile base. Our approach is based on an arc fitting algorithm which takes into account the robot constrains and kinematical model. It produces continuous trajectory where fitting to the given path depends on given parameters adapted to the mobile base. Moreover, we have included orientation angle compensation while the mobile robot is moving, and ground inclination compensation. Our rescue robot is described together with the simulation setup and algorithm implementation. We compared our algorithm to the Hector-based software. We showed the results of the compared algorithms and the results of mobile robot path following in simulation and real experiments. Later on we used our algorithm on an unmanned aerial vehicle platform; we have built a simulation in which real aerial vehicle could be included. On this system setup we performed a series of experiments to prove the concept.
Secondary keywords: autonomous mobile robots;mobile robots;arc fitting;path following;velocity control;rescue robot;UAV;hardware in the loop;Robotika;Disertacije;Roboti;Krmiljenje;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Pages: XIII, 106 str.
ID: 10902416