magistrsko delo
Sara Babič (Author), Edvard Protner (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo teoretično obravnava maturo kot eksterno obliko zaključka srednješolskega izobraževanja v Sloveniji. Njeni zametki segajo vse do leta 1848, ko je nastopil čas avstrijskih reform, splošna matura v obliki, kakršno poznamo še danes, pa se je prvič izvedla v šolskem letu 1994/1995. V letu 2002 se je opravljanju splošne mature pridružilo tudi opravljanje poklicne mature. Osnovni razliki med omenjenima maturama se kažeta v pridobljeni izobrazbi in v možnosti nadaljnjega izobraževanja na terciarni ravni. Z uporabo deskriptivne metode smo se želeli seznaniti s pravno ureditvijo mature pri nas in tako ugotovili, da najpomembnejši pravni akt predstavlja Zakon o maturi (2007); osrednja institucija, ki skrbi za izvedbo mature pa je Državni izpitni center s sedežem v Ljubljani. Prav tako smo želeli prepoznati in izpostaviti stopnjo uspešnosti opravljanja splošne ter poklicne mature, stopnjo uspešnosti slovenskih dijakov v mednarodni raziskavi TIMSS za maturante, pa tudi ambicije, ki jih imajo maturantje po nadaljnjem izobraževanju. Z uporabo komparativne metode smo iskali vzporednice med primerljivimi evropskimi srednješolskimi sistemi in tako ugotovili, da slovenska splošna gimnazija praktično nima ekvivalenta, zaradi svoje izrazito naravoslovno-matematične usmerjenosti. Prepoznavamo nekatere slovenske strokovnjake, ki v različnih aspektih mature izpostavljajo utemeljene dvome o ustreznosti le-teh. Tako se denimo vprašajo o pravičnosti prehoda na univerzitetne študijske programe med kandidati splošne mature in kandidati poklicne mature, ki si z opravljanjem dodatnega maturitetnega predmeta omogočijo vpis v le-te; izpostavljajo problem izvajanja samo nekaterih maturitetnih predmetov (matematika in tuji jeziki na primer) na dveh ravneh zahtevnosti, prav tako prepoznavajo učinke, ki bi jih javna objava o uspešnosti srednjih šol na maturi lahko imela, nazadnje se pa obregnejo ob samo smiselnost mature z vprašanjem, ali je možno s katero drugo, morda primernejšo obliko, zadostiti ciljem in namenom, ki so trenutno v pristojnosti mature.


magistrska dela;matura;splošna matura;poklicna matura;Zakon o maturi;Državni izpitni center;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Babič]
UDC: 37.091.276(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 23686664 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1823
Downloads: 390
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Matura exam as the completion of secondary education in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: The thesis focuses on the matura exam as an external form of conclusion of the secondary education in Slovenia. Its origins can be traced back as far as 1848, to the time of the Austrian reforms, whereas the matura we now today was first conducted in the school year 1994/1995. In 2002, the vocational matura was introduced as well. The basic difference between them can be seen in the acquired education and in the possibilities for tertiary study. Using the descriptive method, we wanted to get acquainted with the legal arrangements of matura in Slovenia and by doing so, discovered that the most important legal act is represented by The Law of Matura (2007) and that the central institution tasked with the matura exam is the Nation Examination Centre in Ljubljana. We have also wanted to recognize and emphasize the degree of successful completion of both matura exams, the degree of success of the Slovene high school students in the international TIMSS research for the high school students in their final year, and the graduates' ambitions concerning further education. Using the comparative method, we tried to find the parallels between comparable European secondary education systems and have concluded that the Slovene general high school (which is in Slovenia called gimnazija) does not have an equivalent due to its distinct emphasis on natural sciences and mathematics. We recognize certain Slovene experts who have legitimate reservations concerning certain aspects of the matura exam. For example, they question the legitimacy of the transition to university study programs between the general matura and vocational matura candidates, since the latter are able to enter those programs by completing an additional subject. They also emphasize the problems of only certain subjects (for example, mathematics and foreign languages) having two levels of difficulty. Furthermore, they recognize the effects that publishing the success of individual high schools might have. Last but not least, they touch upon the issue of the sensibility of the exam, wondering whether another, perhaps a more appropriate form could satisfy its goals and intentions.
Secondary keywords: master theses;matura examination;vocational matura examination;Law on matura;National Examination Center;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: III, 79 f.
ID: 10902688