značilnosti in vloga
Špela Vaupot (Author), Dragica Haramija (Mentor)


Slikopis je zelo pomemben predvsem za bralce začetnike za prijaznejši vstop v samostojno branje. Namen tega magistrskega dela je opredeliti slikopis in njegove lastnosti ter značilnosti. Slikopis smo umestili v tipologijo knjig, povezali smo ga z multimodalnostjo in multimodalnim besedilom, kar slikopis pravzaprav je. Po analizi zbirke slikopisov Čez griček v gozdiček (Štefan in Reichman, 1995) in Zgodbe v sličicah (Krempl in Stropnik, 2003) ter slikopisa Kobilica in polžek (Zorec in (Zorec) Kump, 2010) smo se osredotočili na to, katere so pravzaprav tiste besede, ki jih sličice nadomeščajo in zakaj. Z uporabo različnih metod dela smo ugotovili, da lahko slikopis uvrstimo med slikanico in ilustrirano knjigo, bolje rečeno, slikopis je pravzaprav poseben tip slikanice, saj so ilustracije (sličice, ki predstavljajo nadomeščene besede) vsekakor povezane z besedilom in hkrati oblikovane v zgodbo. Prav tako pa slikopis količinsko ne vsebuje toliko besedila, kot je značilno za ilustrirano knjigo. Slikopis je multimodalno delo, saj vključuje dva koda sporočanja (jezikovni in likovni kod), ki ju moramo razumeti in med seboj povezovati, da pridemo do pomena zgodbe. V njem so s sličicami najpogosteje nadomeščeni samostalniki, saj ti omogočajo nedvoumne, enoznačne upodobitve.


magistrska dela;slikopisi;sličice;samostalnik;multimodalna besedila;slikanice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Vaupot]
UDC: 087.5(043.2)
COBISS: 23710472 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1116
Downloads: 149
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Pictogram in children's literature: characteristics and role
Secondary abstract: Pictogram is very important, especially for the beginning readers, because it helps them enter the world of independent reading more easily. The purpose of this master thesis is to define what a pictogram is and present its characteristics. We have placed pictogram in the book typology and linked it with multimodality and a multimodal text, which is what a pictogram is. After analysing pictogram collections Čez griček v gozdiček (Over the hillock into the forest) (Štefan in Reichman, 1995), Zgodbe v sličicah (Stories in small pictures) (Krempl in Stropnik, 2003) and the pictogram Kobilica in polžek (The grasshopper and the snail) (Zorec in (Zorec) Kump, 2010), we have focused on finding out which words are being replaced by small pictures and why. Using different types of methods, we found out that a pictogram can be categorised as something between a picture book and an illustrated book. Moreover, a pictogram is a special type of a picture book, because the illustrations (small pictures that replace different words) are related with the text and are also formed in a story. A pictogram also doesn't have as much text as an illustrated book does. It is a multimodal work, because it includes two communication codes (linguistic and artistic code) that need to be understood and connected, so that we can understand the real meaning of the story. In this case, small pictures usually replace nouns, which have unambiguous meanings.
Secondary keywords: master theses;pictograms;small pictures;noun;multimodal texts;picture books;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 64 f.
ID: 10907284
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