diplomska naloga
Urban Bračko (Author), Peter Lipar (Mentor)


Ob izvedbi projekta skakalnice v Šiški, ki vključuje tudi hotelski kompleks, bi se v okolici močno povečale prometne obremenitve. Že zdaj imajo nekatere ulice v območju pomembno prometno vlogo in na njih v konicah prihaja do zastojev. Vozniki na Vodnikovi cesti pa tudi ne upoštevajo prometnih omejitev. Prav tako se v bližini projekta nahaja bolnica, ki ima ustrezno dovozno pot urejeno le z ene strani. V diplomski nalogi zato podajam rešitve, ki so potrebne že v obstoječem stanju in rešitve, ki bi bile potrebne ob morebitni izvedbi projekta. Na ta način predlagam splošno spremembo signalizacije na območju umirjenega prometa, ureditev mirujočega prometa, celovito preureditev Vodnikove ceste in izgradnjo ali vsaj delno rekonstrukcijo dovozne poti s strani Derčeve ulice. V nekaterih primerih podam več različnih rešitev, kot na primer pri umirjanju prometa na Vodnikovi cesti, kjer kot rešitvi predlagam izvedbo skupnega prostora in spremembo tehničnih elementov. V okviru projekta se v diplomski nalogi osredotočam predvsem na vodenje prometnih tokov v tem območju ter na ureditev zadostnih parkirnih kapacitet. V nalogi zato podajam predlog začasne prometne ureditve, ki med drugim vključuje montažno krožišče in predlagam zasnovo garažnega objekta na mestu skakalnice. Veliko pozornost namenim tudi načelu trajnostnega razvoja, zato v nalogi predlagam ureditev avtobusnih krožnih linij in uporabo že obstoječih parkirišč v času prireditev na skakalnici.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;B-GR;prometna signalizacija;umirjanje prometa;mirujoči promet;začasno krožišče;intervencijska pot;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [U. Bračko]
UDC: 656.05:796.418(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 8149345 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1110
Downloads: 653
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Traffic Regulation around the Ski Jumping Venue in Šiška
Secondary abstract: After performing the Ski Jumping Venue Project in Šiška, which among others also provides accommodation services, the amount of traffic strains and stresses would increase immensely. Several streets in the observed area play an extensive traffic role already and this is why traffic congestions are here usually hardly avoidable. Drivers on the Vodnikova street tend to disobey the speed limit as well. There is a health institution arranged with one emergency route only situated near the area of the planned project. Thus I suggest solutions, which are required already in the existing condition, and imply also solutions, that would be necessary, should the project be realized. I propose a general signalization alternation in the slow traffic zone, the arrangement of the still traffic, comprehensive renovation of the Vodnikova street and a development or a reconstruction of the driveway from the Derčeva street side. In some cases I pass various appropriate solutions, as for example when writing about Vodnikova street traffic assuagement, where not only the performance of shared space but also an alternation of technical elements is recommended as a solving. In my degree paper I mainly focus on traffic flow guidance in the area and on the assurance of adequate parking space capacities. Therefore, I imply a proposal of a temporary traffic solution, which also includes a temporary roundabout assembly, and suggest the construction of a garage facility in the area. I have devoted my attention to the principle of a continual development, hence I pass the adjustment of circular bus lines and the use of the existing parking lots in time of the events at the Venue.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;graduation thesis;traffic signalization;traffic calming;stationary traffic;emergency access road;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 50 str.
ID: 10910259