magistrsko delo


Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati, kakšno je sprejemanje literarnih besedil v treh osrednjih srednješolskih vzgojno-izobraževalnih programih: v gimnaziji, 4-letni srednji strokovni šoli in triletni poklicni šoli. Ker gre za dijake, ki se po svojih značilnostih močno razlikujejo, je pomembno poznati sposobnosti vseh treh skupin. Prilagajanje ciljev, vsebin in metod pouka interesom in zmožnostim določenih skupin učencev imenujemo diferenciacija, na kateri temelji magistrsko delo. Kakšen je odziv srednješolcev, raziskujemo v empiričnem delu s pomočjo učnih listov, in sicer v petih vsebinskih sklopih: (pred)znanje, spontani prvi vtis (doživljanje), razumevanje vsebine, razumevanje oblike in vrednotenje. Raziskavo opravimo na 147 dijakih drugega letnika. Iz vsakega programa izberemo po dva razreda, v katerih izvedemo uro književnosti po metodičnem sistemu šolske interpretacije % enako v vseh skupinah. Učna enota šolske ure je Prešernova pesem Dekletom. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je faktografsko znanje (znanje literarne zgodovine) gimnazijcev dobro, pri dijakih strokovnih šol nekoliko slabše, pri poklicnih dijakih pa zelo slabo, kar najverjetneje pomeni, da profesorji tem dijakom postavljajo prenizke kriterije. Vsi dijaki (tudi poklicnih šol) pesem zelo dobro doživljajo in vrednotijo na podlagi več kriterijev. Razumevanje vsebine je sprejemljivo, razumevanje oblike s pomočjo znanja literarne teorije pa zelo slabo, še posebej pri dijakih strokovnih in poklicnih šol. Branju z razumevanjem, brez katerega je težko globinsko razumeti zapletena klasična besedila, je tako pri pouku namenjene premalo pozornosti. Zanemarjeni sta nižji ravni, tj. raven besednega razumevanja in t. i. interpretacijskega razumevanja (dojemanje poglavitnih idej besedila, povezanosti posameznih med seboj odvisnih delov ipd.). Ugotavljamo, da je šola tako še vedno pretežno reproduktivna, in sicer v vseh srednješolskih programih. Rezultati učnih listov kažejo še, da so velike razlike v znanju med posameznima razredoma znotraj istega izobraževalnega programa ter da so fantovski razredi za razliko od nekaterih predhodnih raziskav nekoliko boljši od dekliških razredov.


didaktika književnosti;sistemska didaktika;branje;literarno branje;gimnazije;poklicne šole;bolonjski magisteriji;Prešeren;France;1800-1849;"Dekletom";


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Kogovšek]
UDC: 37.091.3:82:028:373.5
COBISS: 58788450 Link will open in a new window
Views: 797
Downloads: 253
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the master's thesis is to explore how literary texts are accepted in the three central high school educational programs: in gymnasium, 4-year secondary technical school and three-year vocational school. Since these students' characteristics vary greatly, it is important to know the capabilities of all three groups. Adapting to the objectives, contents and methods of teaching to the interests and abilities of certain groups of students is called differentiation, on which the study is based. We explore the reaction of high school students in the empirical part using worksheets, namely within five thematic clusters: (prior) knowledge, spontaneous first impression (experiencing), understanding the content, understanding the form and evaluating. A survey was carried out on 147 students of the second year. Out of each program two classes are selected, in which a lesson of literature is carried out in methodical system of school interpretation - the same for all groups. The learning unit lesson is the poem To the Girls by Preseren. The survey results show that knowledge (of literary history) of gymnasium pupils is good, slightly worse with students of technical schools and very poor with vocational school students. This probably means that teachers set the criteria too low. All students (including vocational schools) experienced and evaluated the poem very well on the basis of several criteria. Understanding the content was acceptable, though understanding the form through knowledge of literary theory was very poor, especially with the students of technical and vocational schools. Reading with understanding, without which it is difficult to understand in depth the complex classical texts, is given too little attention in class. The lower levels, ie. the level of verbal comprehension and so-called interpretative understanding (comprehension of the main ideas of the text, linking the interdependent parts, etc.) are being neglected. It was found that the school is still relatively reproductive, in all secondary programs. Results of the worksheets show also that there are significant differences in knowledge between individual classes within the same educational program, and that the boys' classes, unlike in some previous research, are slightly better than girls' classes.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovenistiko
Pages: VIII, 75 str.
ID: 10914830