diplomska naloga
Polona Ivančič (Author), Primož Može (Mentor)


kontrolirati za kritične prereze pri različnih kotih (korak 5°). Da je v teh primerih primernejša uporaba računalnika je pokazal izračun nosilca z računalniškim programom ACB+ (ArcelorMittal), katerega rezultati so priloženi na zaključku naloge (priloga A). Druga pomembna alternativna metoda, ki se poleg splošne uporablja za kontrolo nosilnosti na lokalno izbočenje stojine med odprtinami, temelji na empirični študiji analize končnih elementov. Na podlagi razlage navodil bodočega standarda lahko sklepamo, da bo kljub določenim omejitvam omogočena njegova široka uporaba v praksi, saj ga bo možno uporabiti pri projektiranju nosilcev z odprtinami iz vroče valjanih ali varjenih profilov, satastih nosilcev ali nosilcev s posameznimi odprtinami različnih oblik in dimenzij. Obseg proizvodnje in uporabe jeklenih nosilcev z odprtinami v stojini je odvisen od sodelovanja proizvajalcev, projektantov, dobaviteljev in gradbenikov. Za razliko od razvitih držav, v Sloveniji še ne koristimo vseh možnosti tega proizvoda. Uporaba standarda EN 1993-1-13 lahko pomeni pomemben korak v tej smeri.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;B-GR;nosilci z odprtinami;Vierendeelov upogib;izbočenje stojine;Evrokod 3;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [P. Ivančič]
UDC: 624.014:624.072.2(043.2)
COBISS: 8509537 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1184
Downloads: 460
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Design of steel beams with web openings
Secondary abstract: A new standard from Eurocode 3 is in preparation, which will provide rules for the design of steel beams with web openings. The graduation thesis entitled ''Design of steel beams with web openings'' sistematically describes numerous advantages of their production and usage of steel beams with openings, and highligts the basic problems connected with their strenght. Author presents the guidelines of the draft standard EN 1993-1-13 (April 2017) and successfully implements them in the analysis of cellular beam with circular openings. One of the most important contribution of this work is to demonstrate the use of an alternative method to determine internal forces, moments and resistances at sections around the openings. The consequence necessity of checking the results of Vierendeel model at critical cross-sections corresponding to different angles (by increments of 5°) is time-consuming method. In this case the use of computer is more appropriate as shown in analysis of the girder with computer program ACB+ (ArcelorMittal) at the end of the presented work (Annex A). Another significant alternative method, which in addition to the general approach verifies the resistance of web post buckling, is based on the empirical study of the finite element analysis. Based on the interpretation of standard (yet not accepted), it may be assumed that it will be used in practice widely, despite certain limitations, namely in the design of rolled and fabricated beams with isolated or closely spaced web openings, with various shapes and dimensions. The production volume and use of steel beams with web openings depends on the participation of manufacturers, designers, suppliers and builders. In comparison with developed countries, Slovenia does insignificantly exploits all the possibilities this product has. The important step in this direction can be use of the standard EN 1993-1-13.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;graduation thesis;beams with web openings;vierendeel bending;web post buckling;Eurocode 3;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIX, 51 str., 26 str. pril.
ID: 10915518