magistrsko delo
Blaž Gec (Author), Damir Karpljuk (Reviewer), Jože Štihec (Consultant), Mateja Videmšek (Mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela je analizirati ponudbo športnih interesnih dejavnosti za otroke prvega triletja osnovne šole v Občini Sežana. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na razlike v vključenosti v organizirane športne aktivnosti med učenci iz Osnovne šole Dutovlje in Osnovne šole Srečka Kosovela Sežana in s tem tudi različne možnosti za vključevanje v šport med mestnim in vaškim okoljem. Analizirali smo tudi priljubljenost posameznih dejavnosti med otroki ter možnosti za športno udejstvovanje otrok v okviru Občine Sežana. V prvem delu magistrske naloge smo preučili pozitiven vpliv športa na razvoj otrok in oblikovanje zdravega načina življenja. Predstavili smo glavne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na vključevanje otrok v organizirane šolske in izvenšolske športne aktivnosti, hkrati pa smo preučili tudi značilnosti športnih interesnih dejavnosti v šoli in izven šole. Poleg tega smo predstavili športno infrastrukturo v Občini Sežana in športne dejavnosti, ki so organizirane v okviru obeh šol, športnih klubov in društev občine. V drugem delu naloge smo podrobno predstavili in analizirali rezultate raziskave. Ugotovili smo, da je ponudba športnih dejavnosti v Občini Sežana precej obsežna in podprta s primerno športno infrastrukturo. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da v obiskovanju športnih dejavnosti prihaja do razlik med otroki, ki prihajajo iz vaškega okolja in tistimi, ki šolo obiskujejo v mestu. S pomočjo anketirancev smo prišli tudi do spoznanj o tem, katere športne dejavnosti, ki bi jih otroci radi obiskovali v občini, niso organizirane, ter oblikovali smernice za morebiten razvoj športa in športne infrastrukture. 


šport;športna vzgoja;športne dejavnosti;gibalni razvoj;prvo triletje;otroci;osnovna šola;rast;razvoj;motivacijski dejavniki;športne interesne dejavnosti;športne organizacije;športna infrastruktura;Sežana;okolje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [B. Gec]
UDC: 796-053.2
COBISS: 5320113 Link will open in a new window
Views: 982
Downloads: 510
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sport activities of children in first three years of primary school in the Municipality of Sežana
Secondary abstract: The aim of the master's thesis is to analyse the offer of sports activities for children in the first three years of primary school in the Municipality of Sežana. We have primarily focused on the involvement differences in the organised sports activities among pupils from Dutovlje Primary School and Srečko Kosovel Primary School Sežana, and the different possibilities for the inclusion in sport that can be found between the city and the village environment. We have also analysed the popularity of individual activities among children and the opportunities for children's sports activities within the Municipality of Sežana. In the first part of the master's thesis, the positive impact of sport on the development of children and the creation of their healthy lifestyle is shown. The main factors that influence the inclusion of children in organized school and extra-curricular sports activities are presented, while at the same time the characteristics of sports school activities and outside school sport activities are described. In addition, we have presented sports infrastructure in the Municipality of Sežana and sports activities which are organised within the framework of both schools, sports clubs and community associations. In the second part of our work, the results of the research have been presented in details and analysed. We have found out that the offer of sports activities in the Municipality of Sežana is quite extensive and it is supported by the appropriate sports infrastructure. We have also found out, that when joining sports activities, there are differences between children coming from the village environment and those attending school in the town. With the help of the respondents, we have come to the conclusion which sports activities that are not organised in the municipality, the children would like to visit. We have also developed the guidelines for the possible development of sports and the sports infrastructure.
Secondary keywords: sport;physichal education;children;school activities;primary school;first triad;environment;Sežana;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 69 f.
ID: 10937951