magistrsko delo
Jure Puhar (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Pogajanja nas spremljajo od zgodnjega otroštva naprej in so del vsakdanjega življenja. Osnov pogajanj se naučimo že kot majhni otroci, ko se »pogajamo« za pozornost ali kakšno igračo. V šoli se z učitelji lahko pogajamo o boljši oceni, ko dokazujemo svoje znanje. Pri poslu pa je od naših pogajanj odvisno, koliko bomo zaslužili. Po poslovnih pogajanjih se ob pozitivnem izidu ustvari marža (razlika v ceni), ki omogoča nadaljnjo poslovanje in preživetje na trgu. Žal pa pri poslu skoraj nikoli ne dobimo tega, kar si zaslužimo, ampak to, kar smo si uspeli izpogajati s kupcem. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz sedmih poglavij, rdeča nit tega dela so pogajalske strategije ter taktike. S pomočjo domače in tuje literature smo raziskali in predstavili teoretična izhodišča, ki smo jih podkrepili s poglobljenim intervjujem direktorja izbranega podjetja X. S tem smo teoretične osnove poslovnih pogajanj dobro nadgradili z realno sliko iz poslovne prakse, kjer smo odgovore direktorja podjetja X ustrezno analizirali. Predvsem nas je zanimalo, katere pogajalske strategije in taktike so uporabne pri pogajanjih v podjetju X. Podjetje X je mikro, komercialno in inženiring podjetje, ki je specializirano za pakiranje. Povzamemo lahko, da podjetje X stremi, tako s kupci (prodaja) kot proizvajalci (nabava), k združevalni strategiji in strateškemu partnerstvu, kjer je velika stopnja zaupanja. Tako se na dolgi rok pride do boljših nabavnih cen in posledično večje marže. Potrdimo lahko torej strategijo partnerstva, kjer gre za »win-win« situacijo obeh strani. Direktor nam je zaupal tudi svojo pogajalsko taktiko, kjer kupec naroči in potrdi ponudbo (navadno za večji projekt), zaradi česar lahko direktor nekoliko pritisne na proizvajalca, da lahko naročilo potrdi še isti dan, če se nabavna cena spusti na določeno raven. V nabavnem smislu pogajanj, s hišnimi proizvajalci, se pogajajo predvsem za čim boljšo tehnologijo opreme za kupca, medtem ko se pri pogajanjih s kupci navadno dogovarjajo glede končne cene. Temeljita priprava in cenovna kalkulacija sta ključni predpogoj za dober potek pogajanj. Bolj podrobne rezultate intervjuja smo analizirali v zaključnem delu (sklep).


poslovna pogajanja;pogajalske strategije;pogajalske taktike;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Puhar]
UDC: 005.574:005.8(043.2)
COBISS: 13073180 Link will open in a new window
Views: 798
Downloads: 153
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Negotiation strategies and tactics in company X
Secondary abstract: Negotiations are present from our early childhood and are part of everyday life. We learn negotiating basics as small children when we "negotiate" for attention or a toy. At school, we could negotiate for better grades, with teachers, when we are proving our knowledge. In business, amount of money we will earn depends on our negotiating skills. After successful business negotiations, we create a margin (price difference), which enables further business making and survival on the market. Unfortunately, in business we almost never get what we deserve, but what we manage to negotiate with the buyer. The master's thesis consists of seven chapters and the main topic of this thesis is negotiation strategies and tactics. We examined domestic and foreign literature and studied it in order to present the theoretical starting points, which we supported with in depth interview with the CEO of the company X. We used theoretical basis of business negotiations and upgraded it with real life business example, where we properly analyzed the answers, that the CEO of company X gave us. Mainly we were curious what kind of negotiation strategies and tactics are useful in negotiating for company X. Company X is a micro, commercial and engineering company, which is specialized in the field of packaging. We can ascertain that company X is striving for connecting strategy and strategic partnerships where high degree of trust is in place, with buyers (sales) as well as manufacturers (purchasing). That leads to better purchasing prices in a long term and consequently, a higher margin. We could therefore confirm partnership strategy, where it is a win-win situation for both parties. CEO also trusted us with his negotiating tactic, where a buyer requests an offer and confirm the order (usually for a larger project), and so the CEO can press the manufacturer slightly by letting it be known, that he can confirm the order the same day if the purchase price drops to a certain level. On the purchasing side, especially with domestic manufacturers, negotiating is primarly focused on providing better technology and equipment for customers, while negotiations with customers are usually focused around final price. A thorough preparation and price calculation are a key prerequisite for successful negotiations. Detailed results of the interview are analyzed in the final part (conclusion).
Secondary keywords: Negotiations;business negotiations;negotiation strategies;negotiation tactics and company X.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 63 str.
ID: 10940701