magistrsko delo
Dolores Dolšak (Author), Natalia Kaloh Vid (Mentor)


Pri književnem prevodu mora prevajalec upoštevati mnogo dejavnikov, kot so ciljni literarni sistem in čas, namen izvirnega in ciljnega besedila in naslovnik. Prevajanje otroške književnosti je posebej zahtevno prav zaradi ciljnega občinstva, ki ima omejene jezikovne in kognitivne sposobnosti, hkrati pa se mora prevajalec znati vživeti v otrokov svet in biti kreativen, kar mu omogoča več svobode kot prevajalcu literature za odrasle. Poseben izziv pri prevajanju otroške literature predstavljajo neologizmi, na novo skovane besede, navadno izpeljanke iz že znanih besed ali delov besed. Roald Dahl je avtor številnih knjig za otroke, med katerimi je tudi delo The BFG, zgodba o velikem dobrodušnem velikanu, ki ima prav poseben način govora - uporablja veliko neologizmov. V magistrskem delu na podlagi teoretičnih osnov prevajanja otroške literature, prevajanja in tvorjenja neologizmov ter posodabljanja prevodov analiziramo dva slovenska prevoda književnega dela The BFG prevajalcev Jožeta Prešerna iz leta 1994 (Veliki dobrodušni velikan) in Ane Barič Moder iz leta 2008 (VDV). Primerjalna analiza prevodov izvirnih neologizmov je pokazala, da je prvi prevod v veliki meri neprilagojen ciljnemu občinstvu, saj je zaradi neposrednih prevodov velikokrat nerazumljiv, prav tako prevajalec izvirnih neologizmov v večini ne prevaja z neologizmi, kar kaže na odsotnost kreativnosti. V ponovnem prevodu se je prevajalka pri prevajanju večine neologizmov odločila obdržati nove skovanke in v slovenščini oblikovala nove neologizme. Posegla je tudi po nekaj kulturnih ustreznicah in tako besedilo približala kognitivnim sposobnostim otrok.


magistrska dela;otroška književnost;The BFG;neologizmi;ponovni prevod;prevajalski postopki;Dahl;Roald;1916-1990;Newmark;Peter;1916-2011;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [D. Dolšak]
UDC: 81'25'373.43(043.2)
COBISS: 24016392 Link will open in a new window
Views: 798
Downloads: 130
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Translations of neologisms in children´s literature on the example of slovene translations of Roald Dahl's children's book The BFG
Secondary abstract: When translating literature, the translator has to consider many factors, such as the target literary system and time, the purpose of the original text and the translation, and the target audience. Translating children's literature is particularly challenging because of the target audience, which may have limited language and cognitive competences. At the same time, the translator has to be capable of entering the child's world and demonstrating creativity, which gives him/her more freedom than when translating literature for adults. Neologisms present a unique challenge when translating children's literature. New coinages are usually derived from existing words or parts of them. Roald Dahl is the author of many children's books, among them is The BFG, the story of a big friendly giant who has a special idiolect - he uses many neologisms. Based on theoretical framework of translating children's literature, translating and creating neologisms and retranslation, this study aims to present the analysis of two Slovene translations of the literary work The BFG, the first one by Jože Prešeren in 1994 (Veliki dobrodušni velikan) and the second one by Ana Barič Moder in 2008 (VDV). This comparative analysis of neologisms in both translations shows that the first translation is in many cases inadequate for the target audience, as it makes use of literal translations, which are often incomprehensible. In addition, the translator did not translate source neologisms with neologisms in the majority of cases, denoting the absence of creativity. In retranslation, the translator kept most of the neologisms in target text and formed creative equivalents. Barič Moder also used some cultural equivalents to bring the text closer to the cognitive abilities of children.
Secondary keywords: master theses;children's literature;The BFG;neologisms;retranslation;translation procedures;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Pages: II, 92 f.
ID: 10943092