magistrsko delo
Viki Twrdy (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Slovenija in Hrvaška sta se po osemnajstih letih dogovarjanj v sporu o poteku državne meje odločili spor v razrešitev predložiti ad hoc arbitražnemu tribunalu, ki sta ga ustanovili z arbitražnim sporazumom. Zaradi v javnosti razkritih telefonskih pogovorov med članom arbitražnega sodišča in agentko, ki je pred sodiščem zastopala interese Slovenije, je Hrvaška izgubila zaupanje v sodišče in celotni postopek ter napovedala enostranski odstop od arbitraže. Arbitražno sodišče v novi sodniški sestavi se je odločilo, da postopek nadaljuje, in ugotovilo, da Hrvaška enostransko ne more odstopiti od arbitražnega sporazuma. Sodišče je nato izdalo še končno odločitev v zadevi, ki jo Slovenija priznava, medtem ko hrvaški politični predstavniki o njej ne želijo niti slišati in jene nameravajo sprejeti. Tako je zadeva prišla v nezavidljivo situacijo, ko je znana arbitražna odločitev o izvornem sporu med državama, ena od strank je ne priznava, druga pa se trudi postoriti vse za njeno obojestransko uveljavitev. Ker gre na mednarodnopravnem področju za pravno urejanje razmerij med dvema suverenima in vsaj pravno enakovrednima strankama, je priznanje ter izvršitev odločbe mednarodnopravnega telesa precej težje doseči,kot bi bilo to v notranjem pravu posamezne države. To ima na voljo številna sredstva v razmerju nad-in podrejenosti, vključno z represivnim državnim aparatom. Naloga se tako po pregledu pravnega zapleta o enostranskem odstopu od arbitražnega sporazuma kot mednarodne pogodbe in same arbitražne odločitve v konkretnem primeru posveča problemu izvršitve tovrstnih odločb, izdanih predvsem s strani ad hoc arbitražnih tribunalov, ki so v preteklosti odločali o meji na kopnem ter morju. Skozi predstavitev in analizo teh primerov privede do zaključkov o možnostih, ki jih ima posamezna država, ki si želi izvršitve odločitve, da vpliva na nasprotno stranko.Naloga na enem mestu predstavi vsa dosedanja prizadevanja Slovenije in Hrvaške za rešitev mejnega spora ter potek arbitražnega postopka in ponudi nekaj razmišljanj o možnostih za izvršitev arbitražne odločitve na miren način.


arbitraža;arbitražno sodišče;Slovenija;Hrvaška;meja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [V. Twrdy]
UDC: 341.6(043.2)
COBISS: 2053126070 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3355
Downloads: 287
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: After eighteen years of negotiations in the dispute over the state border, Slovenia and Croatia decided to submit a dispute to the ad hoc arbitration tribunal established by an arbitration agreement. Due to public disclosure of telephone conversations between a member of the arbitral tribunal and an agent who represented the interests of Slovenia in frontthe court, Croatia, due to mistrust in the court, announced the unilateral withdrawal from arbitration. The arbitral tribunal in the new composition decided to continue the proceedings and found that Croatia could not unilaterally abandon the arbitration agreement. The court then issued the final decision in a matter recognized by Slovenia, while Croatian political representatives do not want to hear about it and do not intend to accept it and prepare all necessary for its implementation. Thus, the matter came to an inconspicuous situation, when an arbitration decision on the original dispute between the states is known, one of the parties does not recognizeit, and the other tries to achieve everything for its two-sided enforcement. Since it is in the international law field for the regulation of relations between two sovereigns and at least legally equivalent parties, the recognition and enforcement of a decision of an international body is far more difficult to achieve than it would be in the domestic law of a particular country, which has a number of resources in a relationship above and below subordination, including repressive state apparatus. After reviewing the legal complication of a unilateral withdrawal from the arbitration agreement as an international treaty and the arbitration award itself, the task is devoted to the problem of executing such decisions, issued primarily by the ad hoc arbitration tribunals, which in the past ruled on the border on land and sea. Through the presentation and analysis of these cases, it leads to conclusions about the options that each country wants to execute to influence a counterparty that does not have those desires. This assignment at one place presents all previous efforts of Slovenia and Croatia to resolve the border dispute, the course of the arbitration process, and offer some thoughts on the possibilities for the execution of the arbitral decision in a peacefulway.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VIII, 100 str.
ID: 10944382