magistrsko delo
Helena Plazl (Author), Špela Razpotnik (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava temo identitete v povezavi z vsakdanjim življenjem ljudi po 65. letu v izbranem lokalnem okolju. Pri tem izhaja iz teoretičnih izhodišč queer teorije, integrativnega terapevtskega pristopa, koncepta življenjskega sveta uporabnika in narativne paradigme, natančneje metode zgodbe ali pripovedi. Namen empiričnega dela je pridobiti poglobljen vpogled v doživljanje identitete in vsakdanjega življenja ljudi po 65. letu. Uporabljen je kvalitativni pristop pri raziskovanju in znotraj omenjenega metoda odprtega intervjuja na vzorcu petih oseb. Podatki so analizirani z vsebinsko kvalitativno analizo. Na podlagi ugotovitev iz kvalitativno pridobljenih in analiziranih podatkov so podane smernice in predlogi za socialnopedagoške intervencije in morebitna nadaljnja raziskovanja. S tem pričujoče magistrsko delo daje doprinos stroki, udeležencem raziskave, odnosu med stroko in udeleženci ter posledično družbi kot celoti.


narativni pristop;življenjski svet;sestavljene identitete;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [H. Plazl]
UDC: 37.013.42-053.9(043.2)
COBISS: 12041545 Link will open in a new window
Views: 525
Downloads: 109
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Everyday life of of the people after 65 years
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with the theme of identity in connection with the everyday life of the people after the age of 65 in the chosen local environment. It stems from the theoretical starting points of the queer theory, the integrative therapeutic approach, the concept of the life-world user and the narrative paradigm, more precisely the method of story or narration. The purpose of the empirical work is to gain a deep insight into the experience of identity and the everyday life of the people after the age of 65. The research is based on qualitative approach and open interview method on the sample of five people. Data are analysed with substantive qualitative analysis. Based on the findings from qualitatively obtained and analysed data, guidelines and proposals for social pedagogical interventions and possible further researches are given. With this the existent master's thesis contributes to the profession, to the participants in the research, to the relationship between the profession and the participants, and consequently to the society as a whole.
Secondary keywords: elderly person;life cycle;starejša oseba;življenjska obdobja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 135 str.
ID: 10944827
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