magistrsko delo


Smo v času, ko motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem še vedno prevladujejo pri transportu, urejevanju okolice ... A po drugi strani jih ponekod že izpodrivajo elektromotorji, ki so okolju prijaznejši, tišji, imajo boljši izkoristek itd. Vendar imajo elektromotorji še kar nekaj slabosti, ki so ključnega pomena pri delu in uporabi ter se zato ne morejo prebiti na področja, kjer prevladujejo motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem. Za delovanje elektromotorja potrebujemo vir električne energije. Najpogostejša vira sta akumulator in električna napeljava v stanovanju. Akumulatorji so težki in se hitro izpraznijo, z električno napeljavo pa smo omejeni z dolžino električnega vodnika. Motorje z notranjim zgorevanjem delimo na dvotaktne in štiritaktne. Štiritaktni so najpogostejši in okolju prijaznejši. Najdemo jih v večini transportnih naprav in strojev. A kljub temu so dvotaktni motorji še vedno vodilni pri pogojih, ki zahtevajo delovanje v različnih položajih. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili zgolj na dvotaktne motorje, saj je njihova zgradba enostavnejša in cenovno ugodnejša od štiritaktnih, kar pripelje do cenovno ugodne in enostavne izvedbe merilnega sistema za določevanje izkoristka dvotaktnega motorja. V teoretičnem delu smo podali delitev motorjev z notranjim zgorevanjem po načinu dovajanja goriva in po številu taktov. Sicer poznamo več možnih delitev, a najbolj nas je zanimala primerjava dvotaktnih ter štiritaktnih motorjev, njihove slabosti ter prednosti in glavni vzrok za uporabo ter končni izbor dvotaktnega motorja. V nadaljevanju smo zapisali tudi zgodovino razvoja dvotaktnih motorjev in njihovo podrobno zgradbo. Pregledali smo tudi učne načrte osnovnih in srednjih šol ter ugotovili, kaj učenci obravnavajo ter se o njih učijo. Pregledali smo tudi, koliko nalog na temo motorjev z notranjim zgorevanjem je v nacionalnih preizkusih znanja. V empiričnem delu smo opisali sistem za merjenje izkoristka dvotaktnega motorja v šolskem laboratoriju. Podali smo potek načrtovanja, izdelave sistema in tipične rezultate meritev. Merili smo porabo goriva in navor motorja pri določenih vrtljajih ter pri določeni obremenitvi in tako proučili izkoristek dvotaktnega motorja. K magistrskemu delu smo priložili potek predelave oziroma prilagoditev izbranega motorja in tudi celoten potek meritev tako, da jo lahko učitelj tehnike in tehnologije ali šolski laborant izvede tudi sam. Še posebej učitelji tehnike v osnovnih šolah bi tako lahko cenovno ugodno in enostavno izvedli meritve skupaj z učenci ter s tem vzpodbudili še večje zanimanje za motorje z notranjim zgorevanjem.


regulator vrtljajev;medpredmetno povezovanje;projektna naloga;Arduino;3D modeliranje;3D tisk;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Škrjanc]
UDC: 621.43(043.2)
COBISS: 12062793 Link will open in a new window
Views: 587
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Measuring system for determining the efficiency of two stroke engine
Secondary abstract: We are at a time when internal combustion engines still dominate in transport, managing your surroundings ... But on the other hand, have sometimes been superseded by electric motors, which are more environmentally friendly, quiet, have better efficiency, etc. But electric motors have some drawbacks, which are crucial in the work and use, and therefore can not break through to areas dominated by internal combustion engines. Namely, for the operation of the electric motor need to be supplied with electricity. The most common source of the battery and the electrical wiring in the house. Batteries are heavy, and quickly emptied, with electrical wiring, we are limited by the length of the electrical conductor. Internal combustion engines can be divided into two-stroke and four-stroke. Four-stroke are the most common and more environmentally friendly. They are found in the majority of transport equipment and machinery. Yet the two-stroke engines still leading in conditions which require action in all possible positions. In this thesis, we focused only on two-stroke engines, because its construction is simpler and more affordable than four-stroke, which leads to an inexpensive and simple performance measurement system to determine the efficiency of a two-stroke engine. In the theoretical part, we made the division of the internal combustion engine by way of fueling and the number of cycles. Otherwise, there are several possible division, but most of us were interested in the comparison of two-stroke and four-stroke engines, their weaknesses and strengths and the main reason for the application and the final selection of the two-stroke engine. Below we wrote a history of the development of two-stroke engines and their detailed structure. We also reviewed the curricula of elementary and secondary schools and determine what students deal with and learn about them. We also checked how many of these tasks the internal combustion engine is in the national Assays knowledge. In the empirical part, we describe a system for measuring the efficiency of a two-stroke engine in a school laboratory. We went course design, fabricate system and the typical measurement results. We measured fuel consumption and engine torque at certain speeds and at a certain load and also studied the efficiency two-stroke engine. The master's thesis, we have included the course of producing and processing engine and the entire course of the measurement, so that you can master the techniques and technology or a school laboratory conducted himself. Especially the technology teachers in elementary schools, now would be inexpensive and easy to carry out measurements with the students and encourage them to continue growing interest on internal combustion engines.
Secondary keywords: primary education;engineering;osnovnošolski pouk;tehnika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Dvopredmetni učitelj matematike in tehnike
Pages: 45 str.
ID: 10944871