magistrsko delo
Mateja Rigler (Author), Tone Jerovšek (Mentor)


Vodenje izvršilnega postopka pomembno prispeva k sodnemu varstvu strank. Osnovni namen vodenja postopka je, da se s pomočjo sodne institucije prisilno izvrši terjatev na podlagi izvršilnega naslova ali verodostojne listine, če je posameznik v predpisanem roku ne poravna. Da bi bil postopek pravilno, učinkovito in hitro voden, morajo biti vnaprej jasno določena postopkovna in materialna pravila. V njem izdane odločbe bi morale biti skladne z ustavo in zakoni. V dejanskih primerih tega ni mogoče vedno zagotoviti. Na neučinkovito odvijanje postopka vplivajo določeni instituti, ki so opredeljeni kot zastoji v postopku, in pravna sredstva. Instituti, ki so opredeljeni kot zastoji,so: prekinitev postopka, odlog in ustavitev izvršbe ter nasprotna izvršba. Redni pravni sredstvi, ki vplivata na zastoje,sta: ugovor in pritožba. Poleg dolžnikovega ugovora sov nalogi obravnavani še ugovor tretjega, ugovor novega dolžnika ter ugovor po izteku roka. Če posameznik meni, da so mu z izdano sodno odločbo kršene pravice, lahko vloži še ostala pravna sredstva,kot so: obnova postopka, zahteva za varstvo zakonitosti, opozicijske in impugnacijske tožbe, vrnitev v prejšnje stanje in izločitvena tožba.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [M. Rigler]
UDC: 347.952(043.1)
COBISS: 2053184182 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Conducting enforcement proceedings significantly contributes to judicial protection of clients. The primary purpose for conducting the proceedings is to enforce the recovery of claims with the help of a judicial institution on the basis of an instrument or authoritative document whenever the individual fails to settle the claim within the prescribed period. The procedural and substantive rules should be clearly defined in advance to facilitate correct, efficient and quick conduct of the proceedings. The decisions issued therein should be consistent with the Constitution and laws. However, in actual cases this cannot be always guaranteed. Certain legal institutions defined as setbacks in proceedings and legal remedies can affect the ineffective progress of the proceedings. Institutions defined as setbacks are the following: interruption of proceedings, postponement, suspension of enforcement and opposing enforcement. Regular legal remedies that affect setbacks are the following: objection and complaint. In addition to the debtor's objection the paper also discusses third-party proceedings of a new debtor and objection filed after they expiry of the time limit. If an individual believes that their rights have been violated with the issued court decision, they may also file the remaining legal remedies, such as: revision, request for protection of legality, opposing and impugnative actions, restitutio in integrumand exclusionary action.
Secondary keywords: Izvršilni postopek;Magistrske naloge;Izvršba;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VI, 152 str.
ID: 10950730