(magistrsko diplomsko delo)


Izvršilni postopek je predvsem razmerje med dvema strankama z nasprotujočimi si interesi, to je med upnikom in dolžnikom. Lahko pa se zgodi, da se v izvršbi poseže na stvar, ki ni last dolžnika, temveč koga tretjega. Tretja oseba mora zato imeti zagotovljeno učinkovito varstvo svojih pravic. Temeljno pravno sredstvo tretje osebe v izvršilnem postopku je ugovor tretjega. Urejen je v 64. členu ZIZ, ki v prvem odstavku določa, da kdor verjetno izkaže, da ima na predmetu izvršbe pravico, ki preprečuje izvršbo, lahko vloži ugovor zoper sklep o izvršbi in v njem zahteva, naj sodišče izvršbo na ta predmet izreče za nedopustno. Pravice, ki so podlaga za ugovor tretjega, so stvarnopravne, druge absolutne pravice in tudi nekatere obligacijske pravice, vendar pa te v zakonu niso opredeljene. Učinek ugovora je v celoti odvisen od upnikove volje, saj sodišče celo v primeru upnikovega neobrazloženega nasprotovanja ugovor zavrne. V takem primeru ima nato tretji možnost, da vloži tožbo na nedopustnost izvršbe v pravdnem postopku. Ugovor in tožba sta nesuspenzivni pravni sredstvi, zato mora tretji, če želi preprečiti nadaljni tek izvršbe in prodajo stvari, predlagati odlog izvršbe. Tretja oseba v izvršilnem postopku ni stranka postopka, zakonska ureditev je tretjega postavila v podrejen položaj v razmerju do upnika. Vprašanji, ki sem si ju postavila, sta, ali je to sprejemljivo in ali je pravno varstvo tretje osebe dovolj učinkovito. V zadnjem delu so predstavljene še bistvene značilnosti avstrijske pravne ureditve ugovora tretjega. Slovenski zakonodajalec se je namreč pri sprejemanju prvega zakona zgledoval po tej ureditvi.

Ključne besede

izvršilni postopek;tretja oseba;pravna sredstva;ugovor tretjega;stvarne pravice;obligacijske pravice;upniki;pravno varstvo;Slovenija;Avstrija;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Venko]
UDK: 347.952(497.4+436)(043.2)
COBISS: 16623441 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1650
Št. prenosov: 468
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Third Party Objection in Civil Enforcement Proceedings
Sekundarni povzetek: Enforcement proceedings mainly concern the relationship of two parties with conflicting interests. It can, however, happen that the enforcement is carried out regarding an object not belonging to the debtor but to a third party. Therefore, there is a need for the third party to have a guarantee on effective protection of their rights. The principal legal remedy of a third party in the enforcement proceedings is the third party's objection. This remedy is defined in Article 64 of the Enforcement and Securing of Civil Claims Act (Zakon o izvršbi in zavarovanju – ZIZ). The first paragraph provides that when a third party plausibly shows that they have a claim to an object that is a part of the enforcement proceedings and that this right prevents the enforcement itself, the third party has the right to raise an objection and demand from the court to declare the enforcement on the disputed object inadmissible. Rights that constitute the legal base for a third party objection are property law rights, other absolute, and some contractual rights. However, these rights are not defined in the Act. The consequences of a third party objection are entirely dependent on the will of the creditor, since the court can, even in the case of a creditor's unfounded opposition, reject the objection. In such a case, the third party then can file a lawsuit on the grounds of inadmissibility of enforcement proceedings. An objection and a lawsuit are non-suspensive legal remedies, hence the third party must, in case they want to prevent the continuing of the enforcement proceedings, ask for a delay of such proceedings. In enforcement proceedings, the third party does not have the legal status of a party but has a subordinate position in relation to the creditor. We raise the question whether or not this is acceptable and whether the legal protection of the third party is efficient, regarding the available legal remedies. In the last part, the major characteristics of the Austrian legal regime on third party objection are presented. The Slovenian legislator namely followed the example set by the Austrian law when passing domestic legislation concerning this issue.
Sekundarne ključne besede: enforcement proceedings;third party;legal remedies;property rights;contractual rights;creditors;legal protection;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Strani: 58 f.
ID: 11026493