diplomsko delo
Lana Krznarič (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava in analizira vzroke za sodobno dogajanje na Bližnjem vzhodu, v sklopu česar je prikazana družbenopolitična problematika delitve na dve glavni verski ločini znotraj islama in konflikta med njunimi pripadniki - suniti in šiiti. Pojasnjujem tudi ozadje odnosa med zahodnim in islamskim svetom. Ta je bil v preteklosti zaznamovan z nasiljem in spopadi, ki so vodili v podrejen položaj pripadnikov islama, kar je v njih vzbudilo občutke ponižanosti ter je pomembno prispevalo k njihovem negativnem dojemanju Zahoda, ki so mu pričeli pripisovati poskus zatiranja islama. K takšnem razmišljanju je prispevalo tudi poslabšanje nemirov med prebivalci islamskega sveta, ki so spremljali vsakršno poseganje zahodne civilizacije na tem območju. To dogajanje preučujem skozi zgodovinski pregled vse od nastanka muslimanske skupnosti pa do sodobne problematike pojava radikalnega islamističnega gibanja Islamske države in begunske krize. Pri tem izpostavljam posledice poseganja zahode civilizacije v islamski svet, ki ga je to imelo na sunitsko-šiitski konflikt in s tem na pretekle in sodobne razmere na Bližnjem vzhodu ter na aktualno svetovno dogajanje. Poleg tega tudi preučujem značilnosti islamskega, torej šeriatskega prava, njegovo povezanost s tradicijo, pa tudi njegovo vključevanje v sodobni svet, v katerem vlada prizadevanje za uresničevanje človekovih pravic. Ob temu pa opozarjam tudi na problematiko konflikta vrednot zahodne in islamske civilizacije. Z obravnavanjem širšega konteksta zgodovinskega dogajanja tudi pojasnjujem vzroke za radikalizacijo določenih islamističnih skupin in razpravljam o vplivu sunitsko-šiitskega konflikta na nastanek Islamske države, ki s teroristično grožnjo trenutno pretresa svetovno dogajanje.


islam;šiiti;suniti;družbeni konflikti;fundamentalizem;diplomske naloge;bolonjski program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [L. Krznarič]
UDC: 28:316.48(043.2)
COBISS: 2053168566 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis researches and analyses the causes of the contemporary events in the Middle East. In that context I present the socio-political problematics of the division into two main religious branches of Islam and the conflicts between their members - Sunni and Shiite. I explain the background of the relationship between the western and Islamic worlds. The latter used to be marked by violence and conflicts which led to a subordinate position of the members of Islam, which provoked feelings of humiliation in them and significantly contributed to their negative understanding of the West, which they started to associate with an attempt to oppress Islam. Such belief was also motivated by the growing unrest among inhabitants of the Islamic world, who followed the interventions of the West in this area. I research these events through a historical overview from the beginning of Muslim society to the contemporary problematics of the appearance of the radical Islamic movement ISIS and the migrant crisis. Within this context I expose the consequences of the West's interference in the Islamic world on the Sunni-Shiite conflict and with that on the past and contemporary conditions in the Middle East and on contemporary world events. Alongside that I research the characteristics of Islamic, thus sharia law, its connection with the traditions of Islam and its inclusion in the modern word, which is governed by the striving for the realisation of human rights. Furthermore, I also draw attention to the conflict of values of western and Islamic civilization. While researching the wider context of the historical events, I also explain the reasons for the radicalisation of certain Islamic groups and debate the influence of the Sunni-Shiite conflict on the emergence of ISIS, which is shaking contemporary world events with the threat of terrorism.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; univerzitetni študijski program Pravo I;
Pages: V, 49 str.
ID: 10951787