diplomsko delo
V sodobni družbi imajo informacije vedno večji pomen. Otroci se z različnimi oblikami tiska srečujejo na vsakem koraku, že v predšolskem obdobju odkrivajo in spoznavajo različne vrste pismenosti.
Cilj diplomskega dela z naslovom Odnos staršev predšolskih otrok do družinske pismenosti je ugotoviti, kakšna so stališča staršev do družinske pismenosti ter na kakšen način starši spodbujajo otrokovo pismenost.
V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila pismenost in vrste pismenosti. Osredinila sem se na družinsko pismenost in opisala različne pristope različnih družin, vpliv in vlogo odraslega pri spodbujanju otrokove pismenosti ter družinsko branje. Nazadnje sem predstavila še raziskave o družinski pismenosti ter nekaj projektov in programov, ki spodbujajo družinsko pismenost.
V empiričnem delu sem predstavila rezultate anketnega vprašalnika, ki sem ga razdelila staršem predšolskih otrok v nekaj enotah Vrtca Pedenjped v Ljubljani. Zanimalo me je njihovo mnenje o razvijanju otrokove pismenosti doma in pogostost izvajanja različnih dejavnosti družinske pismenosti.
Raziskava je pokazala, da je staršem pomembno razvijanje pismenosti otrok v domačem okolju, o njenem vplivu na kasnejši šolski uspeh pa imajo deljeno mnenje. Starši redno berejo skupaj z otrokom ter se pogosto o prebranem tudi pogovorijo. Večina staršev skupaj z otrokom vsaj enkrat na mesec obišče knjižnico. V razne dejavnosti, kot so pisanje položnic in nakupovalnih listkov, otroke vključujejo le občasno, veliko časa pa namenijo pogovoru z otrokom o vsakodnevnem dogajanju.
predšolsko obdobje;vloga staršev;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[H. Kumar] |
UDC: |
373.2(043.2) |
Views: |
336 |
Downloads: |
77 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
The relationship of parents towards their pre-school children regarding family literacy |
Secondary abstract: |
Information has a growing importance in modern society. Children face different types of pressure at every step; they are already discovering and recognizing different types of literacy in the pre-school period.
The aim of the bachelor's thesis entitled The Relationship of Parents towards their Pre-School Children regarding Family Literacy is to find out what the views are of parents about family literacy and how parents encourage children's literacy.
In the theoretical part, I introduce literacy and different types of literacy. I focus on family literacy and describe the different approaches of different families, the influence and role of the adult in promoting children's literacy and family reading. Finally, I also present research on family literacy and some projects and programs that promote family literacy.
In the empirical part, I present the results of the questionnaire, which I distributed to the parents of pre-school children in several units of the Pedenjped kindergarten. I was interested in their opinion on developing children's literacy at home and the frequency of implementing various activities of family literacy.
The research has shown that parents are important in developing children's literacy in their home environment, and that their influence on future educational success has mixed opinions. Parents read regularly with the child, and they often talk about reading in general. Most parents, together with the child, visit the library at least once a month. Various activities, such as writing a payment card and shopping lists, involve children only occasionally, however, they spend a lot of time talking to the child about the day-to-day events. |
Secondary keywords: |
literacy;pre-school child;pismenost;predšolski otrok; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
VIII f., 65 str. |
ID: |
10954186 |