magistrsko delo
Simon Krampač (Author), Aljoša Dežman (Mentor)


Avtor ugotavlja primernost mandatornega upravljanja pri nas, ki ga je po njegovem mnenju mogoče upravičiti le z ogroženo pravno varnostjo etažnih lastnikov in podporo pri uresničevanju njihovih interesov. Utemeljenost obveznega upravljanja ugotavlja skozi štiri ključna vprašanja, ki se pojavljajo v razmerju med etažnimi lastniki in upravnikom: vprašanje odgovornosti, pooblastil, varnosti v medsebojnem poslovanju in možnosti za ohranjanje vrednosti nepremičnine v etažni lastnini. Odgovore na navedena vprašanja avtor podaja najprej skozi preučevanje slovenskega pravnega sistema, nato pa še skozi tri izbrane tuje pravne ureditve ter primerja ugotovitve iz različnih pravnih sistemov. S primerjavo tujih pravnih sistemov je podan vpogled v drugačne rešitve in možnosti alternativne ureditve upravljanja pri nas. V raziskovalnem delu je podan jasen pregled pravic, obveznosti, možnosti in rizikov strank pogodbe o opravljanj upravniških storitev, s čimer želi avtor spodbuditi zavedanje, da upravnik predstavlja neizogiben instrument za uresničevanje interesov etažnih lastnikov, od njih samih pa je odvisno, kako ga bodo uporabili.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: ESM - European Centre Maribor
Publisher: [S. Krampač]
UDC: 347.238.3:351.778.54(043.2)
COBISS: 2053203894 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Author is determining the adequacy of the mandatory management in Slovenia, which in his opinion may only be justified by a threatened legal certainty of condominium owners and the support in pursuing their interests. The merits of mandatory management are established through four key issues that arise in the relationship between condominium owners and managers. The issue of liability, powers, security in mutual business and the possibility of maintaining the value of property in condominium ownership. The author provides answers to these questions first through studying the Slovenian legal system and then through the three selected foreign legal systems and compares the conclusions from different legal systems. By comparing foreign legal systems an insight into different solutions and options for alternative condominium management in Slovenia is given. The research work provides a clear overview of the rights, obligations, opportunities and risks of the contract parties when performing condominium management services, through which the author tries to encourage awareness that the condominium manager represents an indispensable instrument for the realization of the condominium owners interests, whereas it is up to the owners how this instrument is going to be used.
Secondary keywords: Etažna lastnina;Magistrske naloge;Stanovanjsko upravljanje;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VI, 96 str.
ID: 10954660