delo diplomskega projekta
Aleš Gorjup (Author), Jernej Belak (Mentor)


močna kultura praviloma vodi podjetje do boljših rezultatov in večje uspešnosti. V diplomskem projektu zato najprej opredelimo, kaj je organizacijska kultura in kaj vsebuje. Za tem opredelimo, kako se organizacijska kultura v podjetju sploh oblikuje, kako se ohranja in kako se spreminja. Raziščemo tudi vpliv organizacijske kulture na uspešnost podjetja. Pred praktičnim delom na kratko opredelimo še vsebine politike podjetja. V praktičnem delu diplomskega projekta proučimo Skupino Impol, d. d., in skušamo preveriti skladnost zapisov v letnem poročilu, natančneje skladnost politike podjetja z izjavo o nefinančnem poslovanju. Skozi diplomski projekt ugotovimo, da organizacijska kultura vpliva na uspešnost podjetja, da oblikovanje kulture v podjetju traja več let, preden se uveljavi, in tudi da je spreminjanje organizacijske kulture še bolj dolgotrajen projekt. V praktičnem delu ugotovimo, da podjetje razume, kaj je nefinančno poslovanje, in da so zapisi v primerjavi s politiko podjetja skladni.


politika podjetja;organizacijska kultura;kultura podjetja;organizacijski razvoj;razvoj podjetja;uspešnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Gorjup]
UDC: 005.73
COBISS: 13167900 Link will open in a new window
Views: 600
Downloads: 59
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimportance of culture for enterprise's existence and its further success
Secondary abstract: The success of today's companies is also conditioned by the culture of these companies. A good and strong culture, as a rule, leads the company to better results and greater performance. In the graduation project, we first defined what the organizational culture is and what it contains. Later on we have defined how the organization culture is being developed, how it is maintained and how it changes. We also examined the impact of organizational culture on the company's performance. At the last we briefly defined the content of the company's policy before practical work. In the practical part of the task, we studied the company Impol d. d. in checking the compliance of records in the annual report, more precisely the compliance of the company's policy with a statement of non-financial operations. Through the graduation project, we established that organizational culture influences the company's success, that the formation of a culture in the company lasts for many years before it is established, and also that changing the organizational culture is an even more lengthy project. In practice, however, we found that the company understands what is non-financial business and that records are consistent with the company's policy.
Secondary keywords: Culture;company success;organization;non-financial business;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 35 str.
ID: 10955216