magistrsko delo


Prostorska navigacija je kompleksna kognitivna sposobnost, ki je nujna za vsakodnevno delovanje v okolju in je odvisna od širokega spektra kognitivnih sposobnosti (Moffat, 2009). Namen magistrskega dela je preveriti učinek računalniškega kognitivnega treninga prostorske navigacije na nekatere kognitivne sposobnosti pri nadarjenih učencih. Bolj specifično nas je zanimalo, ali lahko s kognitivnim treningom prostorske navigacije vplivamo na povečanje obsega kratkoročnega spomina, delovnega spomina, vizualno prostorskega spomina, besednega spomina, na izboljšanje hitrosti procesiranja informacij in izvršilnih funkcij. V raziskavi so sodelovali učenci 5. in 6. razreda osnovne šole, ki so bili identificirani kot nadarjeni učenci in so hkrati na testu inteligentnosti (SPM) dosegli vsaj nadpovprečen rezultat. Končni vzorec je obsegal 13 udeležencev v eksperimentalni skupini in 15 udeležencev v kontrolni skupini. Intervencija je zajemala 8 srečanj po 45 minut v razmiku enega tedna. Kontrolna skupina je bila med tem časom pasivna. Rezultati analize variance za mešan načrt so pokazali velik in statistično pomemben učinek interakcije med časom in skupino pri hitrosti procesiranja, prav tako se je pokazal velik učinek interakcije med časom in skupino pri takojšnem priklicu vizualno prostorskega spomina. Pri ostalih odvisnih spremenljivkah učinek interakcije ni bil velik in statistično pomemben. Parni t-test je pri vseh odvisnih spremenljivkah pokazal statistično pomembno razliko med začetnim in končnim testiranjem pri eksperimentalni skupini, pri čemer so se vrednosti Cohenovega d gibale od srednjega do velikega učinka. Kognitivni trening prostorske navigacije se zdi uporaben kot oblika dela z nadarjenimi učenci, ki kažejo potenciale na intelektualnem področju.


magistrska dela;prostorska navigacija;kognitivni trening;virtualni labirint;kognitivne sposobnosti;nadarjeni učenci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [B. Slatenšek]
UDC: 159.953-056.45-057.874(043.2)
COBISS: 24061704 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1025
Downloads: 188
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂeffect of computerized cognitive training with spatial navigation on cognitive abilities in gifted pupils
Secondary abstract: Spatial navigation is a complex cognitive skill and one that is necessary for daily activities in any environment. It depends on a wide specter of cognitive abilities (Moffat, 2009). With my master's thesis, I aimed to examine the effect of computerized cognitive training of spatial navigation on certain cognitive abilities of gifted pupils. More specifically, we were interested whether cognitive training of spatial navigation can help improve the capacity of short-term memory, working memory, visuospatial memory, and verbal memory, along with increasing the speed of processing and executive functions. Fifth and sixth-grade pupils who'd been identified as gifted and had scored at least above average results at SPM intelligence tests took part in the study. The final study sample included thirteen participants in the experimental group and fifteen participants in the control group. The intervention included eight 45-minute sessions at a one-week interval. The control group was passive during this time. Results of mixed ANOVA have shown a large and statistically significant effect of the interaction of time and group in the speed of processing, as well as a large effect size of the interaction of time and group in immediate recall of visuospatial memory. Other dependent variables showed a small and statistically non-significant effect of interaction. With dependent variables, the paired sample t-test showed a statistically significant difference between pretest and posttest scores of the experimental group, with Cohen's d values ranging from medium to large effect sizes. Cognitive training of spatial navigation seems to be useful as a method of working with gifted pupils displaying intellectual potential.
Secondary keywords: master theses;spatial navigation;cognitive training;virtual maze;cognitive abilities;gifted pupils;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: IV, 77 f.
ID: 10955640