vsi trije primeri v Sloveniji
Pacienti po zdravljenju raka v otroštvu so glede samomorilnosti izrazito občutljiva skupina. Pri njih sta povišana tako razmišljanje o samomoru kot tudi dejanski samomor. V slovenskem prostoru sicer ne beležimo povišane stopnje samomora pri tej skupini pacientov. Od 1.647 pacientov, ki so bili v otroštvu zdravljeni za rakom, so zaradi samomora umrli trije. V pričujočem članku so predstavljeni vsi trije pacienti, ki so storili samomor. Iz podatkov, ki so nam na voljo, smo sklepali na sorodnosti in različnosti, ki so botrovale razvoju samomorilnosti pri vsakem od njih. Ugotovimo lahko, da je bilo kljub razlikam v poteku in zdravljenju bolezni skupno vsem trem pacientom to, da niso bili deležni polne strokovne psihološke pomoči, ki naj bi bila namenjena pacientom po zdravljenju raka v otroštvu. Razvoj dobre strokovne mreže na tem področju bi lahko omogočil vključitev večjega števila pacientov, da bi lahko spregovorili o svojih psihičnih težavah. S tem bi lahko pomembno prispevali k preprečevanju samomora pri tej ranljivi skupini pacientov.
rak (medicina);otroštvo;posledice;bolniki;samomori;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
1.04 - Professional Article |
Organization: |
OI - Institute of Oncology |
UDC: |
616-006:616.89-008.441.44 |
1408-1741 |
Parent publication: |
Views: |
2258 |
Downloads: |
551 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Suicide as a late consequence of cancer treatment in childhood. All three cases in Slovenia |
Secondary abstract: |
Patients treated for childhood cancer are particularly vulnerable to suicide. There is increased suicidal ideation and a high incidence of suicide among them. In Slovenia, we have recorded no increase in the suicide rate in this group of patients. Out of 1,647 patients who were treated for cancer in childhood, only three died by suicide. The following article presents all three patients who committed suicide. With the help of the available data, we established the similarities and differences that contributed to the development of suicidal behaviour in each of these three patients. We can find that despite the differences in the course and treatment of the disease, all three patients had one thing in common: none of them received professional psychological help intended for patients after childhood cancer treatment. The development of a well-functioning professional network in this field would enable the inclusion of a larger number of patients, allowing them to speak out about their psychological problems. By doing so, we would contribute significantly to preventing suicide in this vulnerable group of patients. |
URN: |
Pages: |
str. 147-148, 158 |
Volume: |
ǂLetn. ǂ17 |
Issue: |
ǂšt. ǂ2 |
Chronology: |
dec. 2013 |
ID: |
10956232 |